Chapter 14 - Fears, Friends, and Family

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Black emptiness extends in every direction. Cold, stale air fills the abyss and wraps around my upper body. Slightly cold liquid covers my feet up to my ankles. The combination sends cold shivers into my body through my limbs. Where am I and why's it so cold in here? I frantically look around for any light but do not find any. There's got to be something-

Splash. The sound of someone stepping through water echoes throughout the dark void. Where? I spin around looking for the origin of the sound. Splash. There it is again, but where? Splash. The footsteps grow steadily louder as if someone is approaching.

"Hello!" I holler, "Is anyone there?"

Splash. Splash. The steps continue for a moment but suddenly stop. I examine the nothingness surrounding me, searching for the source of the steps. Wait, is that? A small light appears in the distance. Finally, a way out of here. Splash. I take a step forward and feel a heaviness on my feet as I try to move. Why's there so much water here? Steadily, I fight through the heavy liquid.

What is that? I tilt my head as something dark within the light becomes more visible. A person? A figure of a tall person with a well-built body is standing lifelessly in the middle of an archway filled with light. What are they- Instantly, I stop as I notice that the person is missing their left leg.

"Revus..." I mutter as a shiver crawls up my spine, "W-where are we?" I wrap my arms around one another and try to warm myself as I glance around the room. Splash. I continue toward him, returning my focus to the dark silhouette standing within the light. Splash. "Why are you just standing there?"

"Why'd you do it?" Revus answers hoarsely.

"What do you mean?"

"Why couldn't you just wait for me to return?" His grating words reverberate through the darkness.

"Revus, I-I don't understand?" I ask, my heart rate increasing slightly.

"This wouldn't have happened to me," he states, his tone growing louder while his voice fills with anger, "It's your fault! I lost my leg because of you!

"No," I whisper, shaking my head as I stop moving, "No, I... I didn't mean-"

Splash. Revus takes a step toward me, his single leg trudging through the rough water. "If you weren't born, I wouldn't have to go through this!"

"No, that's not true... you said..."

"Did I ever say I like getting hurt?" Revus argues, his haphazard walking is only separated by flying to compensate for his missing leg. Splash. "You think I like being like this?"


"Answer me!"

"No!" I cry, tears streaming down my face, "I'm sorry... I..." Splash. Revus turns around and starts heading back toward the light filled archway. "Where are you going?" He remains silent as he continues walking forward. Splash. "Revus!" I start running after him. Splash, splash, splash. My legs are bogged down by the thick mire beneath me.

"It's no wonder you were abandoned," Revus remarks coldly, "Me... and your family, we're all better off without you."

"No," I shout. Splash, splash. I chase after him. "You don't mean that. You... Revus wait!" Splash. Splash. Splash. Gradually, he gets further away from me. "Please, Revus... don't go! I'll change, I'll-"

Splash. He stops in front of the white doorway and turns around. "Goodbye."


Revus turns back around, walks through the door, and closes it. Slowly, the light diminishes, until it completely disappears.

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