Episode 6

120 4 14

Kong can be seen adjusting to himself as a giant pool of sweat big enough to fill up 5 of the biggest pools in the world being seen underneath him as he sits while having an expression of relief. Because his mother finally decided that he has had enough punishment from the Hashi for now as Kong wipes his face in order to get rid of the sweat on it which is because the room is extremely hot. And it is on purpose in order to make it harder for Kong to concentrate on keeping his body in complete balance as the heat is strong enough to force a stroke to occur for the average human being. 

Athena: You're getting better. That's very impressive, my son. It may seem like a punishment, which it is. But it also serves as discipline for the mind and body. To show you that there are better things to make yourself see the mistakes you have made and what to do in order to better yourself, the next time a situation like that happens again.

Kong: At least it's not the way gramps used to do it.

Athena: *smiles* He would have you both swimming up and down the one of the lakes whenever you both would get in trouble with boulders tied to your arms, legs and back. And he would tell you to stop if he saw you were getting tired. 

Kong: *sighs with a smile of nostalgia* That's gramps for ya. Always having a way with words, and answering our questions with his own interpretations of what the meaning of being the Guardian Titan meant for him. And what it would've mean for us when the time was right for him to pick who was going to take his place. 

Athena: Will is your strongest aspect in combat. It is something the strongest do not have because they never endured the struggles our species faced. It is the greatest gift a Titan has to further improve upon themselves. And it goes for all living beings, from the Kaiju all the way to the ant. The Guardian protects and preserves all Life. 

She swings her staff as the force of it impacts the boulders to such a degree as they are launched onto the pillars as they land perfectly in the spots, where she got them from showing her experience as a master of the Kong style as dust spreads around the room making Kong cough a bit from how unexpected it was. 

Kong: It still surprises me of how accurate your swings are Mom. It's like you know where your going strike but you don't think about the consequences of what happens should you hesitate to take that action. It's not your fighting without thinking which makes it harder for your opponents to predict what your next move will be if they manage to read where our muscles twitch which is a sign of thinking about your next move.

Athena: I may be a master, but I'm not at the level, your grandfather was in terms of skill and leadership. 

Kong: What was Gramps like when you were little?

Athena: Strict but overprotective, as the leader of the Kongs, he had more responsibilities than members of his species because he was willing to stand up against our oppressors which were the Gojiras. 

Kong: ....

Athena: I know what your thinking. It's because of him isn't it?

Kong: Was he wrong all this time to take in a Gojira?

Athena: Kong. *sighs* 

She walks towards her son before sitting down in front of him as the air blows softly inside while adjusting her staff. 

Athena: The Guardian Titan and Alpha Titan are different for a reason. You are bestowed with wisdom beyond a Titan's imagination while becoming strong enough to rival what is obtained when a Titan gains the Alpha Titan status. Guardian Titans keep the Alpha Titans in check because they can see when Nature is unbalanced. In short terms, Kongs were the only ones able to handle that type of responsibility because we were smart enough to make the right decisions for the other Titans who only wanted the rank of Alpha for their own personal desires and motives.  Azure was an exception because we taught him how to live like a Kong making him achieve things that his species shouldn't be naturally capable of because of your grandfather's methods of training him. 

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