Episode 8

89 4 10

The Battle between Titan and Aragami kept on happening as Andra can be seen dodging various blows while waving her body around like water as it is more effective considering the environment she is currently in. She swims around the giant Aragami while landing multiple punches and kicks against parts of the body making it stagger in the water. 

Andra moves her arms and legs around as seemingly afterimages of those limbs appear around her despite the air bubbles erupting from her mouth unknowingly affecting the weather as she continues the battle against this Beast. The Aragami rushes towards her already prepared to use its tentacles and right before they could land against the Titan. Andra swoops at the last second as she brings her fingers inward as she strikes several tentacles immediately making them explode upon impact as a shockwave forms underwater making the Aragami roar in pain. This was a technique utilized successfully in the Kong Style as it is known for being a deadly counter defensive attack as the impact is used to reflect the entire weight plus the attack from the user into one hence why various tentacles exploded when Andra landed that strike at the right moment. 

 However...The Aragami despite its injuries manages to quickly regenerate itself in a few seconds. As it continues its attempts at killing Andra with finishing blows but the titan continues to dodge while counterattacking at the same time as every punch and kick she lands makes one of its many limbs explode from the force inflicted on those parts.

Andra(Mind): That's right. Keep on recklessly trying to kill me. Miss and I'll hit you with the force of your attack doubled with my own weight added on top of it.

She swims around the creature almost appearing as a blur as she lands several decisive strikes to its body as prints of her palms and feet are noticeable on its body forcing it to become angrier and angrier to make it attack more blindly in its desperation to kill her as a result. Despite that, that method will not always work as Andra lands a brutal punch to the Aragami's face making it stumble in the water as it begins to glow bright red while growling with rage. 


It immediately swims towards her as it swings one of its arms as Andra quickly puts her arms up in order to block the attack but to her surprise, it redirects its swing down as it lands a brutal uppercut to her stomach as two of her ribs break from the impact.

Andra: GH!!

Andra stumbles in the water as her stomach now has a dark bruise has formed on it where her abs are. As the Titan maneuvers and continues to evade multiple tentacle attacks as she manages to land an uppercut which breaks one of the Aragami's teeth. Andra quickly swipes her hand to the side as the leeches that were quietly prowling towards her to drain her blood immediately perish upon impact as she attempts to swim up towards the surface again in order to get more oxygen.

Andra(Mind): So much for finding a vent, I need to lure it towards land somehow. That way, I can have the home advantage. Fighting it underwater won't last me for long. But how do I- MY AXE!

Before she can make it to the surface while swimming, she looks down towards where that underwater structure she crashed into earlier. A faint blue glow can be seen inside a spot making Andra excited with relief since most of her equipment was destroyed during her scuffle with the Aragami.

Speaking of the Aragami, it manages to restabilize itself before unleashing a violet shriek across the lake as soundwaves travel through the environment making the ears of the fish nearby explode on impact along with various other creatures in the lake.

Andra(Mind): *covers her ears* Ok, that's new!  

Andra gets disoriented by the loud sound as she clenches her hands while holding her ears as she even grits her fangs while glaring at the Aragami and before she could react. She gets tackled once again before being swung around like nothing as it throws Andra as she crashes through many giant boulders to the point of shattering them into pebbles every time she landed before crashing in one of the shallow areas of the lake. She wipes her lip with her hand as blood can be seen on it. But, despite the pain, a deep excitement starts to erupt in her veins unlike anything she has ever felt before in her life. Not even during her sparring sessions. Her meditation. The lessons that were taught to her by those who became part of her heart. This feeling somehow managed to break through her walls as a wild smile begins to form on her mouth.

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