Chapter 2

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Today was Decemeber 22nd and currently you were making breakfast before the kids and Satoru woke up. Once the pancakes were ready you set the food on the table and tip-toed back to your shared room to wake up your giant boyfriend. "Satoru wake up it's time" you said while rubbing his arm. He smiled at you and brought you closer to his chest, "not now honey, let's go" you said while dragging him up with you, and tip-Toeing to Tsumiki's room. You slowly opened her door and saw the 8 year old asleep, gently you woke her up and satoru picked her up since she was still a little sleepy.

The three of you were now slowly walking up to Megumi's room, you saw he was still in a deep slumber. Gojo took out his phone to start recording the little boy. "Okay guys just like we practiced" you whispered at them "1,,,,2,,,,3! HAPPY BIRTHDAY GUMIII" the three yelled out together which caused the now 7 year old to wake up immediately. Once he opened his eyes clearly, he saw the bright flashlight from Gojo's phone and he scowled at him knowing he was recording. The three of them started singing happy birthday to him and he looked down embarrassed of all the attention he was getting, once the song finished Gojo pulled out a confeti popper and tiny pieces of confeti went all over the room which caused megumi to groan and scoffs at the man even more.

"Come on megumi I made pancakes today let's go" you said while carrying the boy not giving him much of a choice. Setting him down in his chair he looked down at his heart shaped pancakes, "haha they were kinda hard to get them into that shape sorry they don't look good" you said scratching your neck embarrassed because they boy didn't say anything. "No, they look perfect. Thank you y/n-San" the little boy whispered while smiling up at you, causing your heart to melt. You smiled back at him and told everyone to dig in before school started.

Once Gojo took the kids to school you got ready to make the cake, Gojo said he wanted to help, so while waiting for him you started putting the decorations up around the house. Once you finished you heard the front door open "hey sweets wow this looks amazing!" Satoru said while looking around the room and hugging you.

"Thank you Satoru but right now we got to figure out how to do this cake" y/n said while yawning and heading to the kitchen "sweets you look tired you should probably just take a nap we can do this cake later" you started declining his offer and started getting the ingredients out and before you took the pans out you felt Satoru carry you to your shared room "nu uh sweets we're gonna take a short nap and afterwards we'll make Megumi's cake" Gojo said cutting  you off. "Fine 'ru but wake me up before the kids get out of school" you yawned before going to sleep, Gojo smiled at the nickname you gave him and falling asleep next to you.

You woke up hours later to feet running around the house,,, it's probably the children having fun you smiled at the thought....wait...the children? You looked at the time seeing that it's already 4 in the afternoon, you ran out of the room silently cursing under your breath at Gojo for not waking you up. Tsumiki was the first to notice you and ran towards you as fast as she could "y/n-San your boyfriend is gonna burn down the house!" She yelled, you looked over infront of you and see smoke coming out of the kitchen 'Jesus this dumbass is gonna get us all killed!' You told Tsumiki to grab Megumi and head to yours and Gojo's shared room. She quickly nodded while running off to find megumi.

You see Gojo in the kitchen opening up the window trying to get the smoke out of the apartment "oi dumbass are you trying to burn down our home?!" You yelled while trying to figure out what was causing all this smoke. "I'm sorry y/n it's just you looked so peaceful sleeping I didn't want to wake you up so I decided  to try and make the cake myself!" Gojo yelled out while running to you. You sighed  while heading to the oven and getting the cake out and clearing all the smoke out of the room, you couldn't stop coughing and the cake was all burnt.

Once everything was clear you looked back at Gojo wearing your pink apron and his sunglasses at the tip of his nose. "Ugh I can't even be mad at you" you said while walking to your shared room with Gojo following behind "mmmh you love me too much" "don't test me Satoru, I'm just glad you didn't kill the kids" you rolled your eyes at him while walking in the room. You see Tsumiki and Megumi sitting on your bed, "you're not allowed here Gojo. You almost got us killed and you ruined my cake" the little boy said while looking straight at the white hair man with a poker face. The white hair man behind you started whining and stomping his feet "babeee he's being rude again" "you deserve it. Come on kids get ready we're going out, you too Satoru" the kids got up excitedly and ran out of the room getting ready. "Sorry about that sweets" Gojo said while hugging you "it's okay 'Ru we'll figure something out" you told him while getting on your tippy toes and giving him a kiss on his forehead

We got ice cream and later took the kids to the park even tho it was chilly outside. I looked over at Gojo who was playing tag with the kids, Megumi seemed to be enjoying himself 'at least he's having fun' you smiled. You saw Tsumiki walking towards you, you smiled at her as she sat down next to you. "Honey are you tired?" "No I'm just exhausted from all the running" she said while giggling "and I want to say thank you." "Huh.... For what?" "Thank you for taking care of my brother and I, I know it must be hard for you guys" she said while smiling at you. "It's worth it." You said to her while rubbing her back, and she smiled gently at you and  got up, "well I have to go back I don't want Gojo-San to catch me, bye mom!" She yelled, you noticed her face had a light shade of red before she ran off.

You felt your heart skip a beat once you heard her call you mom. You've never felt more happy. You got up and started running towards Gojo "Come and catch me grandpa!" You yelled suddenly having a lot of energy. "Hey! Oh it is on grandma!" You heard your boyfriend yell while running towards you and tackling you to the ground. You couldn't stop laughing because Gojo started tickling you. "Get away from her old man!" You heard megumi yell while running towards you "yeah!" You heard Tsumiki behind him  once you looked up you saw the kids jumping on Gojo trying to get him off of you, which causes all 4 of you to start laughing.

Later we went to buy megumi a cake and started heading home. Lighting up the candles everyone started singing happy birthday to Megumi and once y/n gave him a slice of cake, Megumi threw the slice at Gojo. "This is payback for ruining my first cake" Megumi said while smirking at the tall man. "It's only fair" Gojo said while ruffling the 7 year old's hair

The night ended with the four of you watching Disney movies in your shared room, both of the kids in between of you and Gojo. "Hey sweets they fell asleep" you heard your boyfriend whisper. You look down and see Megumi holding onto Gojo and Tsumiki laying down next to you. You coo while giving both of the children a kiss on the cheek "I guess we should head to bed as well" you said getting up and turning the TV off. Laying back down next to Tsumiki, you felt Gojo's hands holding your waist, protectively putting his arms on the children making sure they felt safe. You knew Gojo was asleep once you heard him start snoring. You started closing your eyes and heading off to sleep but hearing a tiny little voice coming from Gojo's side.

"Thank you mom and dad" you heard Megumi say before the sleep took over.

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