Chapter 9

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"Y/n-san how was my father like?" You were currently building a fort with the kids in the living room while Gojo was away for a couple days to do a mission. The boy's question caught you off guard making you stop what you were doing.

"I'm not sure Megumi, I think that's something you would talk about with Satoru, have you been thinking about this for a while?" You asked the boy but he just shook his head no

"Not really it just popped out in my head." He told you, in the corner of your eye you see Tsumiki struggling to put a blanket on one of the ledges so you got up to help her. The fort was now complete. The three of you headed inside with a tiny fan, extra blankets and pillows, putting on scary stories on the tv to keep the kids entertained. "How was your father like?" The boy suddenly asked again.

You looked at him with a sad smile on your face, "my father wasn't a good person" you told the boy this time catching Tsumiki's attention, slapping the boy on the back of his head for asking such a question. You laughed when you saw Megumi slap her arm back. "It's okay Tsumiki, really it's been a while since I last thought about it, I'm sure you guys don't really want to know about that old man" you said while rubbing their heads.

"I want to know!" The boy said out loud, getting another slap from the little girl.

"Alright alright I'll tell you" you told them. Both of the kids having your full attention now. "Well like I said my father wasn't a good person, ever since he found out how powerful my cursed technique was he kept me caged at all times in our basement. At a young age I didn't really know how to use my technique so the only way for my father had to teach me was to not eat until I got the hang of it. There would be days and maybe at least two weeks where I didn't eat.

But it got worse when my mother died, oh, my mother was such a sweet sweet women I don't know how she could handle my dad. But she would sometimes sneak bits of food in my room when my dad was out of town. But ever since she died, my father became aggressive. He would hit me even when I had my technique down. He would even let his friends hit me....I got so used to the beatings that I became to not show any emotion every time they came. My father was irritated because he liked to see my cry, so at the age of twelve he kicked me out the house.

I was homeless for a couple years before I was found and brought to Jujutsu tech when the higher ups realized I had a powerful technique."

"Is he still around?" Tsumiki asked

"Hmmm I'm pretty sure, but it's been years since I last saw the old man" I answered her

"Are you still angry at him?" Megumi asked

"At first I was angry at both of my parents but now I don't hold any grudges. I knew both of them were broken souls. But I endured all of the pain, hoping I wouldn't turn out the same way as them. I figured if i obeyed everything they said, then I would be free when I grew up." I told them

Megumi and Tsumiki suddenly hugged me "well, we think you're pretty cool" megumi said, the tears in my eyes slowly falling off my face

"Thank you guys......"


"Sweets im home!" Gojo yelled as he walked into the tiny apartment. He noticed the what seemed to be a fort in the living room was now broken. He looked inside to see the kids cuddling up with you, a small smile pressed on your face. He left to go shower and once he came out he laid next to you, joining in the cuddling session.

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