Chapter 3

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It's been 2 years since the children have been living with you and Gojo and in those 2 years you have felt nothing but pure happiness. Gojo had a serious talk with Megumi since he said he has been seeing 'monsters' which were actually curses. So Gojo decided to explain what was going to happen and he started teaching him how to use and take care of his technique. Megumi can store weapons and cursed tools in his shadows to aid him, mainly using his shikigami to support him. As each shikigami provides a different skill set, this gives Megumi access to a wide variety of different abilities he can mix up to use in various ways. Lately you have been seeing both of his divine dogs but you didn't really care as he seemed getting more comfortable with them around.

It was around 3am when you heard your bedroom door open, you looked over to see the 9 year old boy in his pJ's with tears in his eyes. You quickly sat up, gently removing Gojo's arms off of you "bugs what's wrong?" You quickly walked over to him and giving him the nickname, something that he got used to and grew to love.

"I just had a nightmare" he avoided looking at your eyes, embarrassed, he looked at you and back at Gojo and then straight back at you, 'he's probably making sure Satoru is asleep.' You picked him up "it's okay I won't tell Satoru, come on let's go to your room." You told him, holding the small boy gently.

You laid down next to him, "do you want to talk about it?" You asked him but he just shook his head,
Getting closer to you and hiding his head on your chest. You slowly started rubbing his head, hoping it'll make him fall asleep faster. You hated seeing Megumi like this, he was probably scared of the curses and he didn't want to tell Gojo or I because he was embarrassed, or maybe he was remembering his father. You looked down and saw he was still awake, and he still had tears in his eyes.

Megumi hated going to sleep. He hated seeing his nightmares repeat over and over again- you and Gojo dead because of some curse. It all looked too real. He wanted to hold you closer, making sure you will never slip away from him and his sister. He was sleepy but he refused to fall asleep afraid of the nightmare repeating over again.

"Close your eyes...have no fear" he heard your soft voice start singing to him. "The monster's gone. He's on the run and your mother's here." You sang while holding him closer. You felt his tears finally fall down on  your shirt but he you can tell he was finally letting the sleep take over. "Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful boy..." you looked down and saw a small smile present on his face, and hearing his light snores. You chuckled while ruffling his hair and giving him a kiss on top of his head. "Goodnight Megumi" you said before falling asleep as well with him on top of you, not noticing your boyfriend standing at the doorway.

Gojo loved everything about you, but what he loved the most was how you easily became mom-mode when the kids were around. And how easily you allowed the kids to live with you in the tiny apartment you both shared. He couldn't help but smile as he heard you sing to the young boy. He was woken up once he felt you take his arms off of your waist, but he pretended to still be asleep since he knew Megumi didn't want to hear his advice or his jokes. Once he heard you go into the little boy's room, he tip-toed and stayed near the doorway to hear what you guys were saying.

Hearing you sing, he thought about how you would sing like that if you and him had kids of your own. He quickly shook his head, you were both still young and right now you both were already looking after 2 kids. Once he heard you say goodnight to Megumi, he finally  looked inside room, he saw the Megumi's tear-stained cheeks, and your hands protectively holding the boy.

Satoru sighed, wanting to tease the little boy once he woke up but decided against it, in the morning he will act clueless and pretend he didn't hear you sing and hear the little kid telling you he had a nightmare. Just for the sake of both of you.

Heading back to your shared bedroom he was trying to fall asleep but all he heard was the sound of your voice 'the monster's gone, he's on the run, and your mother's here.' It made his heart melt. You didn't need to have kids to have your own family. This is his family and he's happy that the 3 of you are in Gojo's life. His eyes now tearing up thinking about it before falling back asleep.

Megumi woke up to the sound of Gojo's camera. His eyes adjusting to the flash, he snickered at the white hair man "awwww why wasn't I inviteddd" you heard Gojo whine "five more minutes Satoru" you said tiredly holding megumi back into bed. "Aww I wanna join" you heard Tsumiki say outloud. You opened your arms and she ran into the opposite side of where megumi was. "No fair how come she gets to lay with you guys!" You heard your Boyfriend whine, only to cause megumi to look at him with a bored face. " can join... I guess" the little boy told Gojo unimpressed by his behavior. Gojo quickly got onto the edge of the bed holding the three of you, causing you guys to quickly groan since the bed wasn't that big and all of you were squished together.

The order was Gojo, Tsumiki, Y/n and megumi, making him be closer and squished onto the wall. You quickly grabbed the boy laying him on top of you so you would have more space, causing Gojo to do the same thing to Tsumiki. You all sighed now more comfortable.

"You know...." You heard the little girl start off, "there's no place I'd rather be" she giggled quietly while looking down at you and Gojo

"I could get used to this" you heard your boyfriend say softly while looking straight into your eyes.

You smiled back at him, holding megumi closer and closing your eyes, while Gojo doing the same to Tsumiki "yeah me too Satoru" you said before falling asleep with everyone else.

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