Chapter 20

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You stared at yourself as you heard guests walking around outside your room. The white kimono you had on felt too tight, and the bun your grandmother forced you to put up was giving you a headache. But nonetheless, you were happy that you got your own little privacy after all the events that went down the last two weeks. It was weird, Toshi barely looked at you the whole day yesterday. He was mostly talking to your grandmother about the ceremony today and how it will all go down. Every time you tried to get yourself involved in the conversation your grandma would push you away and your fiancé would do nothing but stare. It didn't make you feel any better but you hoped that after today, you would get to know him.

Suddenly, a soft breeze hit the room and you felt him before you saw him. "Gojo you can't just teleport out of no where" you turned around to eye the white haired man. He didn't say anything back, all he could do was stare at you and you slowly grew nervous, "is there something on my face" you lifted your hand covering your face

Gojo's soft laughter was heard, "no no" he grabbed your hands and held them, "it's you look...beautiful." Your face suddenly felt hot and you slowly pulled away from him.

"Thank you Gojo, but what are you doing here? No one's allowed to be in here. And I if my grandmother comes in she'll kill us both!" You jokingly told him but he could sense your uneasiness

He laughed, "the kids told me to check up on you just in case you were nervous- oh're still wearing that ring" you looked down at the necklace you were wearing. The ring Gojo proposed to you with.

"I- oh this silly thing. Sorry I should've given it back to you" you began to try to take off the necklace but you heard Gojo speak up again.

"Don't. Please keep it." He said softly cutting you off. You chuckled a bit before relaxing.

As you were about to speak, the door suddenly opened. "What's going on here?" Toshi's voice was heard.

Leiko what a pleasure seeing you again" Gojo said ignoring the man's question.

"A pleasure hm? Can I ask what you're doing with my fiancé? Alone?" His tone was harsh

"We were just talking Toshi, nothing was going on" you reassured the man but it didn't seem like it was enough.

"The wedding is about to start, your grandmother wanted me to give you a heads up. I suggest you go take a seat" Toshi said to Gojo

"Of course I guess we both should be heading back" Gojo said grabbing Tosh and walking out the room.

What the hell was that?


You took a deep breath and opened the door to walk out the room. When you walked out, everyone stood up and began to clap. As you walked, you made eye contact with Toshi, his dark eyes looking over at you at the alter.

You are now standing at the wedding alter. You feel like you're in a daze; this is so surreal. Your grandmother look so happy. The wedding officiant calls to the groom. "You may now take the bride" you see Toshi make his way towards you, as he gets closer and wave of unease washes over you. Something felt off.

The crowd cheers. You feel nervous as his fingers interlace themselves with yours. Then, without warning, he leans down to kiss you. Your cheeks go red as everyone watches. He pulls away from you, his face stoic. You sense that he isn't someone to mess with. As you exchange your vows you look into his eyes, and you can see it; he's clearly upset.

As the wedding was finishing up, many people came over to you to congratulate you, including your students.

"You promise to come and visit us?!" The first years yelled at your ear

"Of course! I'll try my best to visit as much as I can" you tired to reassure them.

"Don't forget about us!" Yuta whined causing Maki and Megumi to look away in embarrassment

"You better keep that promise y/n" you turned around to be face to face with Gojo and Tsumiki right beside him.

"Of course" you smiled at them "this isn't a goodbye you know?" You looked over at Megumi and Tsumiki who had a sad smile on their faces.

You and your new husband are in the limo to the honeymoon suite. Your husband is in the seats across from you, watching you out of the corner of his eye, his gaze makes you feel uneasy. He looks different when you're alone.

"Is something wrong Toshi?" You asked as you made your way inside the room with him. But he simply ignored you causing you to worry even more, "Toshi what's wrong-"

You were suddenly interrupted as something stung your cheek. You fell to the ground grabbing your cheek looking up at your now angry husband.

"Tell me, wife, what were you and Gojo Satoru talking about alone?"  Your terrified eyes look into his dark emerald ones.

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