Chapter 10

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You got a call from Megumi's and Tsumik's school, there's been and incident that happened and they wanted you to go immediately. You rushed trying to call your fiancé but he wasn't picking up the phone which made you even more worried than before since he always picks up on the first ring.

Tell me why you find your fiancé outside the school with a sign that had Megumi's name on it and megaphone in Gojo's hand demanding for whoever was fighting megumi to go outside and meet him. "Satoru" he flinched once he felt your presence behind him. You grabbed his ear really tight while dragging him inside the school's office, leaving the megaphone and sign on the floor.

Once entering the office you see Megumi already sitting down on one of the chairs avoiding eye contact with you, the principle tells you both to take a seat next to the boy and you do.

"I'm sorry for the call Ms, L/n we at first called your partner but once we told him about the whole situation, we found him outside the school....with a poster of Megumi's face on it." The principle told us. I glared over  at Gojo, upset but not surprised about his behavior. You were already thinking about how you were going to curse him out once you guys arrived home but you heard the man next to you scoff.

"It's Mrs. Gojo not Ms. L/n to you. Sweets they called me because they think Megumi's behavior is getting out of hand." The white haired man explained

"We can clearly see where his behavior is coming from" the principle said, glaring at your fiancé while writing some notes down. "Megumi is still getting into fights at school I want you guys to understand that if he doesn't get better, his grades are going to drop and he'll have to repeat the year over again so he won't go into middle school." The principle finished off.

The three of you stood up leaving the office, you apologized one last time to the principle before closing the door.


"I'm going to run away" megumi said once all of you guys entered the house. You all stopped what you were doing to look a the boy to see if he was being serious or just making threats.

"You wanna bet he's going to make it to the next block before returning  back home?" Gojo said while laughing. But all you did was stare at him with a poker face.


"Come on megumi go ahead!" He said still teasing the boy


"Wait let me open the door for you!" He said not noticing the glare you were sending him

"Here let me help you out" he said grabbing the boys hand

"SATORU!" Everyone's eyes turned to look at you. Gojo let go of the boys hand once he heard you yell. You walked past him to shut the front door before anyone could even think about leaving. "No one is running away."

"Come on sweets I was just having fun-"

"Kids go to one of the rooms" you said "Satoru and I are going to have a serious talk." You saw how Tsumiki grabbed Megumi's hand running towards her bedroom and shutting the door. You again stared at the tall man in front of you.

"I know what you're going to say but hear me out- Megumi was just bluffing he's trying to get under our skin he's obviously not going to run away."

"I know he's not going to I'm not mad at him at all Satoru, I'm upset of you! You're not taking any of this seriously! We need to help the kid out letting him understand how important school is." You explained.

"I know y/n but I have it all under control"

"What I saw back at the school didn't seem like you had anything under control." You told him while rubbing your head, you knew you were going to get a migraine later.

"Listen sweets I already talked to him and-"

"And it was enough. We need to figure this out together. We can both talk to him-" it was now his turn to cut you off

"Okay you know what I'm trying my best here! He's not your kid he's mine, I found both of them and I took them in! So they are my responsibility!" You stood there shocked of what he's saying.

"They are not just both your kids, they are mine as well! I helped you take care of them! Can't you see that they are just kids!! They don't need any of this" you said while pointing at you and Gojo "us arguing isn't going to help..." you stared at him disappointed

"I can handle this y/n I don't need your help raising them anymore so you can just leave..." why was he saying this?

"I'm not leaving the kids Satoru." You said with tears in your eyes. "I don't want to leave them..." the tears finally spilling.

"They won't be surprised if you did, you told them about your father right? They'll see it runs in the family" he said coldly while looking away. Your heart and time felt like they stopped when the words left out of his mouth.

"DON'T YOU EVER COMPARE ME TO MY DAD" you said wanting to slap him but instead of feeling his cheek you slapped some invisible force around him. It was his infinity. It was the first time he turned it on around you. You scoffed when you felt the tingling pain in your palm. ".....fine you want me to leave then okay." You told him trying to get his attention but his eyes were staring at the wall next to you. You grabbed your keys about to head out the front door til you heard the children's footsteps and felt the hands tugging on your own.

"D-don't leave us mom!" You heard Megumi cry out to you

"I'll do the dishes for a week just stay here!" You heard the little girl yell as well. You smiled and knelt down trying to get eye level with their height. The three of you full on crying, but you cupped their cheeks trying to wipe away their tears.

"Don't cry kids, Gojo will be the one taking care of you from now on...since he was the one who took you both in. I can't argue with that."

"N-no please stay" you heard Tsumiki say. You looked over at Gojo who was now sitting down at the couch, his hands covering his face.

"Come on let's go to sleep."you picked the children up in your arms heading towards your now old shared bedroom since the bed was slightly bigger than the kid's beds. Once the three of you laid down, both of the children were clinging to your sides afraid of you slipping away. "Now, I want you both to know that this was none of your guy's fault. If I leave I'll make sure to visit you guys and have an apartment near by." You said while kissing their foreheads. You knew that you and  Gojo weren't going to be together after all he said, you were even sure why he said that. Maybe it was in the heat of the moment but you didn't care. Satoru Gojo was no longer yours and I was no longer his but you'll do anything in your power to stay by the kids.


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