Chapter 14

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Gojo looked around trying to find his students, he was a little shocked but but surprised to find them all in the kitchen eating, y/n was still making breakfast for herself as well. Yuuji was the first one to spot him, Gojo sensei! Y/n sensei made us all food" he said happily. Everyone's eyes turned to look at the man who sat down next to Yuuji.

"I can see" he said a little bitterly, he saw you put a plate in front of him, he looked up at you but you were still ignoring him. You went back to make more pancakes for yourself before sitting in front of Megumi. Gojo started to eat the breakfast you gave him, he truly missed your cooking.

"Okay so you're Nobara and you're Yuuji, and you both are first years?" You asked and they nodded their heads before they continued eating. "And you are..." looking towards the second years

"That's Maki Zenin, she's the best out of all students at wielding cursed tools. And that's the cursed speech user, Toge Inumaki. And that's Panda" Megumi said pointing at each student.

"Oh and there's one more right? Yuuta Okkotsu, I helped him train when he first came to America" you said out loud

"Yeah he's the only second year I genuinely respect" Megumi said while rolling his eyes, you couldn't help but laugh a little. Gojo scoffed once he heard you having a good conversation with megumi, you glared up at the white haired man.

"I can't help but notice that you and Gojo don't like each other" Panda said to you

"Well yeah, we had history together" you told panda causing everyone's eyes to go wide except Megumi's.

"How did you deal with that?" Nonart said pointing at Gojo, you lightly chuckled at her comment and shrugged your shoulders.

"We broke up years ago, she's my ex now." Gojo said, his tone was cold now causing you to frown.

"Ex fiancé" megumi said looking down

"H-huh?" Gojo said surprised

"She's not just an ex, she was your fiancé; so ex fiancé" the 15 year old corrected the white haired man. "She's not some ex, she helped you take care of my sister and I. She's the women who taught you how to cook, even as you broke her. She could've just left to her new apartment and forget about you but no. She took the time to tell you what to do when we got sick, what our favorite food was and to always remember to sign our Thursday packs that we got from school." He said looking at the man with a poker face.

Everyone in the room stared at the boy, shock written all over our faces. You cleared your throat, "how about we get ready for some training?" You said and everyone stood up getting ready to leave outside. It was now just you, megumi and Gojo sitting on the table. "Thank you for that bugs" you whispered to him. He nodded before standing up to leave with his classmates, leaving you and Gojo alone.

The man in front of you chuckled a little, "he still defends you after all this time"

You ignored his comment, " has teaching been for you?" You asked him

"Tiring" he said stretching his neck

"Mm well let's go and train the kids" you said standing up and him following behind you

Months went by and you actually enjoyed teaching the kids, they were fun to be around.

"A school dance?!" yuuji and Nobara said at the same time while dancing around

"Mmh! A school dance this Saturday and you're all going to have to be there" Gojo said out loud causing Megumi and Maki to groaned

"I'm so excited we're all going to go shopping after class!" Nobara said

"I'm just excited so I can show off my awesome moves!" yuuji said while dancing around the room causing you to laugh a little. "And you guys are going to be there right?" He asked you and Gojo

"Of course we are" you sighed "we have to look after you guys."


You all walked around the mall looking for some outfits to get for the school dance, you were surprised that Gojo convinced principle Yaga to have one.

You all split up and you were currently helping Megumi look for a suit, since has asked you "mmm how about this one?" You lifted a dark blue suit for him to see.

"Let me try it on" he said grabbing the suit and heading to one of the changing areas. You sat down waiting for him to come out. "Well how does it look?" He asked you looking away.

"Aw Bugs you look handsome in it...but hmmm I feel like it's missing something." You looked around the store and spotted and saw a dark blue bow in the corner of your eye. You quickly grabbed it and out it on megumi, "perfect" you said "we'll take this" megumi nodded his head.

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