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Knock knock.

"Come in." I shouted loud enough so that the person at the door could hear.

I was unpacking my clothes into the closet and the draws that were placed in the bedside tables.

"Hey." Colby said coming into the room and closed the door. I felt myself smile but he couldn't see due to my back faced towards him.

I turned around after containing myself and saw him sit on the bed facing towards me.

"What's up?" I said looking at him and then quickly resuming my unpacking.

"Sam told me." He said calmly watching me walk into the bathroom to place some stuff in there.

"Told you what?" I said acting dumb, still standing in the bathroom.

"About the whole social media situation." He said in a more sympathetic tone.

"Oh." I said walking slowly back into the bedroom and turning the light off in the bathroom.

"Listen, we didn't mean for any of this to happen. It just did. We tried to prevent any of our families from getting found out. I know personally that if any of my family had been recognised and their popularity on social media was seemingly increasing one day, I know they would be freaked out too." He said still placed on the end of the bed.

"It Just came to me as a bit of a shock. That's all." I said quietly as I played with my fingernails.

"Come here." He said patting on the bed next to him. I walked over and sat gently next to him.

"I know Sam didn't want this to happen. It just happens. It can be all overwhelming. Out of all people, I know. But it gets better, you get used to it. And suddenly it becomes reality and your day to day life." He explained, I nodded and was still looking down at my fingers.

"Look, it's okay Colby. It's no big deal. Honestly. No one could have stopped this from happening." I shrugged and looked up at him.

"But we have just stopped you from even having a normal life. Normal childhood." He said with sympathy.

"Childhood- I'm not a child anymore Colby." I chuckled.

"Wait- what. How old are you?" He said emphasising the 'are'.

"I'm 19 Colby." He sat in shock.

"Wow." He replied.

"Yeah I know. Wow." I laughed. He looked up at me smiling and instantly smiled back.

"Wasn't expecting that. You're like.. an old bitty now." He said in a weird voice trying to impersonate an old lady.

I pushed him with my elbow and smiled.

"Shut up. You're older and always will be." I pouted.

"Well yeah. That how ageing works dumbass." He said sarcastically.

We sat and smiled at each other for a couple seconds before he broke the silence.

"Anyways the guys are waiting for me. We going to target for essentials." He said standing up, leaving me sitting.

He opened the door and before walking out he looked back at me.

"You wanna come?" He asked. I smiled and nodded. I grabbed my purse and jogged out the door after him.

About 20 minutes later I found myself entering target with Sam, Colby, Jake and Corey.

Sam grabbed a trolley that I jumped into before Corey could.

"Hey no fair." He pouted.

"Deal with it." His jaw dropped. Sam and Colby smirked whilst Jake laughed at him.

"I like this one." Jake said high fiving me.

Sam rolled me through each aisle before reaching the confectionary aisle.

"Ash. No." Sam said sternly.

"What I didn't do anything." I said looking up at him.

"I know but I know what you're going to do." He said shaking his head.

"Catch!" I heard a voice from in front of me but down the other side for the aisle. I looked to see Colby throwing something at me.

"AHH" I said as I saw something thrown at me without much warning. I looked down and saw double stuffed Oreo's.

"DOUBLE STUFFED OH MY GOD." I yelled with excitement.

"Colby what have you done." Corey said holding his ears in pain.

"You've released the crackin' I swear to god." Jake said also holding his ears.

Sam continued rolling me down the aisle whilst i held onto the Oreo's.

"Aren't you supposed to pay for those?" Corey asked as I ripped open the Oreo packet and shoving one in my mouth.

"I'm hungry!" I said chewing on the Oreo.

He went to grab one but I slapped his hand away, giving him a glare.

"Ow. Sam control this one please. She slapped me." Corey pouted. Sam nodded and high fived me.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked watching Jake and Colby race up and down the aisle. I pulled out my phone and recorded them. Colby realised and ran straight towards me and the camera at full speed. I screeched and he let out a chuckle. I saved the video to my memories and placed my phone back in my pocket.

After spending about 2 hours looking around target, we had a trolley, that I was no longer sat in, full of stuff. Some food, drinks and a couple stuff that I had persuaded Sam to buy for me.

"Well that was an eventful trip." Sam said pushing the trolley still out in the car park.

"Yes it was." I said with a big grin.

"Did you really need all those blankets." Colby asked.

"Of course she did. Do you know her at all?" Sam said laughing.

"That is true." Colby said smiling at me.

I helped Sam place the bags in the trunk of the car and then climbed in the front.

"What do you guys need all this for anyway." I asked as they climbed in the car, Sam in the drivers seat and Colby, Jake and Corey in the back.

"for a trip we are planning. We are planning a video idea to go to a water park overnight with one of our good friends Elton." Corey explained. The others didn't say anything and just nodded.

"Don't put yourself in jail again." I said to Sam and Colby. They both nodded.

"We will try." Colby said laughing.

A/N - I have my exams tomorrow :( I'm so scared

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