2 less broke girls

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Nicole and Gia had saved up for today for months. Nicole was a criminology student, that had been balancing hours of research and theory-based College hours with a double shift at the local coffee shoppe. Gia was a journalism student that worked part time at the New York Times Newspaper. The girls were roommates but the past few months neither saw too much of the other, apart from dinner and the occasional collision on the hallway after a long day or a frantic start of a shift.

Today, that became worth it.

* Nicole's Perspective *

Nicole was awoken by the sound of her generic calendar reminder, alerting her that today was the New York Comic Con. She shook awake and fumbled in the dimly lit room to find her cell phone before shutting off the reminder. The smell of coffee was floating through the apartment, Gia had always been the more morning person of the two. Nicole sat up, rubbing her hands over her face and sighing. When did sleep stop feeling restful? She couldn't remember the last time she had slept a full 6 hours... she knew it had not been for a few months. She shuffled her feet across the floor, feeling for her slippers before walking out into the kitchen area.

"Morning Sunshine." Gia smiled, placing the cup of coffee down in front of Nicole. "Is it not too early to be this happy?" Nicole replied, wincing at the cold harsh white kitchen lights. "We have been looking forward to today for 5 months! Also, it is literally 10.30am... we need to be out of here in 2 hours." Gia snapped back, walking across the kitchen. Nicole noticed that she had already showered, her hair was wrapped up in a towel and she had already started her eye makeup. "Are we getting all pretty for Mr. Evans?" Nicole quipped with a smirk across her face. Gia stopped in her tracks, spun around on her heels and looked Nicole in the eye. "Mr. Evans is somewhere in his hotel room getting ready for ME." She stomped away, swinging her hips dramatically and disappeared into her room.

Nicole laughed before turning back to her coffee cup. Her mind began to wander. She had been in love with Henry Cavill since she first saw him appear in 'The Count of Monte Cristo.' His blue eyes snuck into her heart; that smile made her toes tingle; the way his hair curled but never looked messy; those beautiful, soft, pink luscious- "Go get ready!" Gia called, snapping Nicole from her thoughts. "Yes! Okaaaay!" Nicole called back before she slid off the dining stool and waltzed into the shared bathroom. There was something about today that made Nicole feel like Julia Roberts in one of those Romantic movies... Maybe she would meet a cute guy and get a date out of this experience.

(End of Nicole's Perspective)

* Gia's Perspective *

Maybe she was getting ready to meet Mr. Eva- Chris! Chris Evans! What did Nicole know about it? Nicole's obsession was way worse anyways. She shook the thoughts from her mind and stared down at her costume. She tangled her fingers in the twine of her necklace and ran her thumb over the cold silver medallion on the necklace before she brought it to her neck and fastened the clasp. She pulled over the deep olive green off the shoulder top, that would definitely be worn over her shoulders, put on her skirt and finally her set down the cowboy hat on her long raven hair. She finally pulled up the last of the zips on her boots, completing her outfit and made her way back into the common area.

Nicole walked out of her room at the same time. Gia turned to Nicole and could not help but laugh. Nicole stared back at Gia confused. "What?" she asked as she looked down at her costume. "What, Gia?" Nicole sung; concern laced in her tone. Gia composed herself, emphasizing her deep breaths. "You had the entirrreee comic world to choose your outfit from... and you chose to be Wonder Woman?" Gia stated. Nicole's mouth fell open. "Agaain!! You literally wore that exact same costume to that Halloween party 3 years ago." Nicole slumped her shoulders dramatically, her eyes caught the shine of a costume colt in Gia's hand. "Okay, well how was i supposed to know you would be a Gender Bender Dean Winchester! I'm going to change." Nicole huffed turning back into her bedroom. Gia ruffled the bohemian style skirt as she waited, she glanced up at the clock on the wall.. why is she always so tardy. Gia plunked down onto the couch and pulled out her phone to book the Taxi.

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