Unintentional Invasion of Privacy (2)

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It is surprisingly difficult to control your thoughts when people can hear them.

Ayanokouji is a fantastic liar.

"... So is there a way to make it stop?"

The one who said this is a boy with blonde hair and emitted a kind aura, he will probably be the one to lead this class.

"Oh, why thank you... uh?"

"My name is Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, and your welcome."

"Ayanokouji, my name is Hirata Yosuke."

While I introduced my self to Hirata, the classroom door opens.

"... Is this some divine punishment from the gods?"

The one who came through the door was the girl who stopped me at the school entrance. Our interaction earlier now makes sense.

"Wait, so my mind isn't playing tricks on me?"

"Hirata Yosuke, and no, everyone can hear that voice."

Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure this voice appeared as soon as she came to stop me.

"So what is that voice?"

"It's his thoughts, it seems that voice is narrating Ayanokouji-kun's thoughts."

Unsure as to what I should do, I decide to go sit in my seat, which is at the corner of the room next to the window, generally known as the best seat.

"Not only am I in the same class as him, I also have to sit next to him? That voice will become tiring quickly!"

I look to my right and see that the black-haired girl's seat is next to mine. It seems that not only are we in the same class, which in itself isn't impossible, but we also are neighbors.

"Why is the voice as monotone as Ayanokouji-kun's voice?"

I can't help it, my voice and expression doesn't exhibit much emotion, but I can assure you that I am extremely uncomfortable with my current predicament.

She sits down. "Can yo- wait are you also narrating my movements? Could you refrain from doing so? Is that possible?" She says this with a nasty tone, but she seems to be genuinely curious.

"I take it that you can't control it? I figured, I wanted to ask just to be sure."

"Well then let me introduce myself properly, my name is Ayanokouji Kiyotaka."

"... well since I already knew your name beforehand, I guess it's only fair that I introduce myself, my name is Horikita Suzune."

For the first time, I got a good look at her face. Admittedly, she has a beautiful face, she could easily be mistaken for an upperclassman.

"... I don't mind your compliment, but that narration of yours is going to cause a lot of problems for you, not everyone is mature enough to listen to the critiques of their looks."

"Yeah, I really need this to be gone, if this continues, then I will be beaten up and be treated as the scum of the Earth."

The classroom quickly starts to fill up, some of them are looking bewildered due to, well, I'm not sure if I can say that this is my voice, so I will just refer to it as "narration".

"Huh? What's that voice coming from?"

Hirata approaches the students to explain. "That's just Ayanokouji-kun, for some reason there's this voice, or I guess as he decided to call it, "narration" that keeps following him and narrating his thoughts, like just now how he narrated my intentions."

As more students come in, Hirata is there to explain Ayanokouji's narration. Every student is here, and the teacher enters the classroom.

A women entered the classroom. When I first saw her, my initial impression was that she firmly believe in discipline. If I had to guess, I would have placed her age at thirty.

"... excuse me? Who said that?"

Some people were giggling at my thoughts, I can't control my thoughts you know? If I could I wouldn't be thinking anything.

"Who's voice is that? Why is it coming from the back, even though nobody is talking?"

"Uh sensei, that's my narration."

Sensei looks at me, and puts on a stern look. "Could you n- wait how are you talking? Your mouth isn't even moving!"

"I'm not sure, there's just this voice that follows me and narrates my thoughts."

"... what? How does that even happen? She is very confused, she has no idea how to handle this situation.

"I'm not sure, I can't stop it on command." It just narrates everything that I'm thinking or describing in my mind.

After some time, the teacher decides to move past this, it's better to deal with this strange phenomenon later.

"I guess we'll deal with your... narration after class is over somehow, back on topic, my name is Chabashira Sae and I am the instructor for class D, I usually teach Japanese history. However, at this school we do not change classrooms for each grade-"

Blah blah, let's get to the points system.

In other words, we had received a 100,000-yen monthly allowance from the school upon admission. I'd expect nothing less from a massive institution run by the Japanese government. 100,000 yen is a rather large sum of money for a high schooler.

"... wait, I think your narration was a little quieter this time, is it because of everyone's loud excitement over the money given?"

"That might be the case, at least that means I can think in a loud area without my privacy being leaked, unless they everyone just stops talking."

After Chabashira's explanation, everyone begins to pack up, discussing on how they would spend their points.

"You seem to think a lot Ayanokouji-kun, you're quite the observant person."

"Eh it's nothing, anyone can be as observant, it's just that my thoughts are being revealed, so it just looks like I'm observant."

Horikita packs up and leaves the classroom.

I'm not sure what to do now, my thoughts are being broadcasted to everyone near me.

I guess I'll just go to a convenience store.



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