Chapter 2

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Tw: Yelling, ghosting (is that a trigger?), mentions of blood/eating disorder, panic attack

Anything that has a line under it will be triggered in the chapter so you can skip it while reading

Karl POV:

"Okay everyone that's it for today, I'll see you again in our next class!" the teacher announced and walked out of the classroom.
soon enough everyone else started to pack their stuff and get out as well

"Hey, Karl!" someone called for me, I looked around to see who it was but I didn't see any of my friends there so I waited for whoever it was to call again so I could see who it was, meanwhile, I continued packing my stuff

suddenly someone touched my shoulder causing me to fall over from surprise.
"Hi Karl! I'm Foolish, I was sitting behind you in Mr.Skeppy's class from the start of the year and I wondered if you know where's the class today" I looked at him, he was a totem hybrid and wore a shark cloak
"Oh yeah, he did move it but I don't remember where it is... Just a moment I wrote it down somewhere" I opened my phone and looked through my reminders
"Oh, it's going to be in the library today" I said closing my phone, but just as I did someone called me

Gogy calling

Answer           Decline

I obviously pressed decline and turned my attention back to Foolish, whatever, I'll just call him back later.
"Why did you hang up on them?" Foolish asks
"It's just my cousin, he usually calls me only when he wants to talk about his boyfriend or something" I explained. Foolish just nodded informing me that he acknowledges what I just said
I didn't care for George's love life but because I'm a good cousin so I have to listen to him.

"So you're a totem hybrid?" I ask him, I may not be a hybrid but my parents made sure that I know all about them, but I've never seen a totem one, is he immortal? Or does he just never gets hurt?
"Yeah, I know it may be confusing at first but even as a totem hybrid I don't have much powers." He laughs nervously

"But totems are one of the strongest objects in this universe?" I was really confused, how can a totem not be as powerful as other hybrids?

"Yeah, I can just control my height and heal small injuries but my teacher says that as I grow older I will be able to heal bigger injuries! I hope it's true cause honestly I have always wanted to be a doctor" he smiles

"That's nice" I smile back as I put the last notebook in my bag and picked it up
"Hey, wanna walk to class together?" He asks me

*Ring* *Ringg*
My phone started buzzing,

Gogy calling

Answer           Decline

It was George, AGAIN
I hung up on him, I was trying to make a friend and didn't have time to talk to him about his 'amazing boyfriend' Dream

"So Karl, do you have a girlfriend? Boyfriend?" Foolish asks, a bit too soon to know that if you ask me unless he's only talking to me cause he wants to flirt, which I doubt

"No, I don't really get love, it's all so difficult you never know what to do and it's just stressful all of the time" I shrug.
"Yeah I agree, I tried to date once but it didn't end well" he looked down at the floor awkwardly
"Really what happened?" I asked wondering what could've already happened
"Their theory was that if they hurt themselves my powers will be able to heal bigger injuries and they died from the loss of blood" he said
"Ouch-" my instincts immediately went to joking about it "Wait- I'm sorry please don't think I'm a terrible person-"
"Nah it's cool" he says
My phone buzzed again but this time I ignored it
"Oh- um- Gogy?.. is calling you?" Foolish sounded unsure of what to say.
"Oh my god. Can't he shut up already? I'm sorry I'll just-"

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