chapter 9

70 4 30

Tw: Fire, weird food combinations, tiny eating disorder, mention of Queer parents, threatening, violence

Anything that has a line under it will be triggered in the chapter so you can skip it while reading

Karls POV:


I slowly woke up and turned off my alarm
'Time to start another morning' I thought

I got out of bed while I rubbed my eyes and looked into the closet, noticing the pride flags that I pushed into my closet before showing my room to Nick
(fuck you Grammarly for not letting me write normally) 

'what should I wear today?'

I thought for a moment before throwing out a plain white T-shirt, A pair of dark blue jeans that were sprayed with the colors purple and green, and a light purple hoodie on it with green orange, and blue swirls around it and the letter 'K' at the top right corner, originally the hoodie was just a plain purple hoodie but I decided that I want it a little bit more interesting and made it into one of the 5 clothing items that you will most likely find me wearing
I put on the clothes and went on to my jewelry box.

I took out a mushroom necklace with matching earrings, a couple of butterfly clips to match my hoodie, and a couple more necklaces and bracelets

I put all of the accessories and get out of my room and into the bathroom.
I opened my drawer and took out a couple of makeup products, there was something relaxing about my morning routine, it reminded me of home.

My parents and I used to live in North Carolina but they made me move here so I could go to this school to be surrounded by hybrids, they were both working to save hybrids from being abused and that's why they were so supportive of me helping Nick out and letting him live in the apartment

My phone buzzed, I looked down at it

*you got one message from Gogy*

'How's Sapnap doing?'

Who the hell was Sapnap? 


How's Sapnap doing?

I got one better, Who's Sapnap?

Oh, he didn't tell you?
Dream and I call Nick Sapnap, his original nickname was Pandas but after we grew up a bit Dream suggested making it go backward and replacing the 'd' with a 'p'

Alright, cool I guess, so... Should I start calling him that?

Try to call him that once and see what's his reaction, if he likes/doesn't mind it then yes, but if it makes him uncomfortable or anything else like that then don't.
Consent is the key after all

M'kay, well I gotta go, talk to you later?


I closed my phone and went to the kitchen so I can start cooking breakfast before waking up Nick

I took out some eggs and started making a fried Egg, when all of the eggs were in the pan I went over to Nick's room and knocked on the door

"I'M ALIVE!" He yelled from the inside causing me to giggle
"Can I come in?" I asked, not yelling but speaking loud enough that he could hear me
"Yeah, just a moment!" He called from the inside of the room normally this time

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