Chapter 15

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Keep in mind this happened about a week after the last chapter

Tw's: Blood, shelf harm, knife, ✨flashback✨, PADS, bullying

??????'s POV:

I sat down and wrote my paperwork for a new business I was planning to start soon, it wasn't going to be a real business, it was just going to be me selling random stuff to teenagers, an awful lot of parents won't order stuff for their children so I was here to get what they needed to buy and sell it to them overpriced

I was just going through my emails to check after packages until my phone buzzed and I saw an unrecognized number on the screen

I answered the call waiting for the other person to speak
"Hello, it's been a long time, friend" I recognized their voice
"Punz, I'm not your friend, what do you want from me?" I once worked with this man and it didn't end well, haven't talked to him since
"Remember that little, favor, you own me?" He asked
"What about it?" I didn't have time for his little games, I wanted to get it over with.
"I want to claim it, you see? My friend moved to San Diego not a long time ago and I want you to give something to him that should've been mailed to you by now" I had an idea of what that thing could've been
"Are you talking about the knife that got shipped to my house this morning?" I reached out for a knife in a little black box that was sitting on my counter, my dad had given it to me this morning saying that he thought it was mine but I haven't ordered a knife, lately, I've been more into swords and axe's
"Yes, I'm glad you already got it, it means you can finish this task maybe sometime this week!" He called
"What do you mean 'this week'?" He acted oddly suspicious
"Well, I don't know his exact address, only that he lives in San Diego with a teenage boy named Karl Jacobs and learns at the hybrid friendly highschool! Good luck!" He then hung up on me.

'How rude'

Well at least I knew his school, I could just wait outside the gates and wait for him to get out
But Karl Jacobs, this name sounded familiar for some reason...

~time skip~

As I looked through the streets of San Diego I noticed three boys walking back together from school, after Punz hung up on me he sensed me a photo of the boy he was looking for, in the photo the boy was full of bruises and his nose was bleeding, I've rethought that multiple times knowing that this boy wasn't Luke's friend.

I scanned the boy in the middle and opened my phone to check the photo, they looked similar enough.
I didn't want to come right up to him so I just threw the knife at him before realizing what'll happen if the knife hit him

Luckily enough, his friends warned him and he managed to dodge it and catch it with his right arm, he had a small cut on his cheek though, well, it's not like I can turn back time and hand it to him like a normal person

He looked at the knife and then searched for the thrower, me

"WHAT THE FUCK PUNZ?!" He yelled still not knowing where, or who I am
"HEY! DON'T YOU DARE MISTAKE ME FOR THIS LOOSER!" I came out of the shadow and faced him


Alexis was one of my brothers, Wilbur, best friend for years now, he was a duck hybrid and dated a man named Schlatt who I didn't really like, I didn't like Alexis either but had no choice but to stand him considering he came over four times a week even though he came over less now saying that he has a project to work on

"Technoblade, do you mind explaining why you just threw a knife at us?" He raised an eyebrow at me, he seemed cool about the fact that one of them could've died just a moment ago, but I'll accept that cause it means that he's not mad at me! I think...

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