Chapter 5

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Tw: none that I know of, but please tell me if there are any<3

Sapnap POV:

I woke up in the morning in my new room, I looked up to the ceiling and saw the world map that Karl had drawn on it.

My past school didn't educate us much in geography so I didn't know many states let alone Europe, Asia, or Africa and I think that the other thing, Australia if I'm not wrong is a country by itself, I looked around at the map searching to see if I can name any of the countries/states.

I found Nevada and Utah right next to it, and I also could find Florida.
me, Dream, and George always wanted to move there when we'll become older, above that was Canada, and in Europe I found Romania (because it looks like a fish) a boot-shaped country (which I could only guess was Italy) and Spain, Germany, Russia, I know Ukraine is somewhere around it, I also magically managed to find Greece!
I probably could've found more but I heard a soft knock on my door
"YEAH?" I asked strongly enough so the person on the other side will be able to hear me

The door slowly opened and I immediately got up and ran for it
"DON'T OPEN THE DOOR!" I panicked, I wasn't a very clean person and didn't like it when anyone got in my room, they would always judge it for how it looked and it only made me feel even more insecure about it

"Nick? Are you okay?" Karl sounded worried "I just wanted to wake you up! The school got you in so I wanted us to get there earlier and I'll show you around!"

Oh right, I wasn't at my parent's house anymore, the room wasn't even dirty, yet.
I was in San Diego with one of my best friend's cousin.

"Yeah..." I slowly opened the door only enough to show myself "Sorry it was a reflex..."

"It's alright Nick, can I come in?" He smiles
"Absolutely not. I look like a mess" I laughed, and he laughed with me
"Alright, I'm going to make pancakes for breakfast if you want" he told me
"Sure! I'll be there in about half an hour?" I half smile

"It takes you THAT long?"

"Nice to meet, Nicholas Armstrong"

"Okay okay, the first ones will be ready about when you are" he winked
"Alright byee"
"Bye!" He walked away and I closed the door

I picked an outfit from my bag and put it on, it was just a normal outfit, a t-shirt with an oversized sweatshirt, a long pair of jeans, and a cap on my hair that I didn't bother getting ready, of course, that doesn't sound like it should take that long but before I put the outfit on I almost fell asleep twice and had to scroll on TikTok for a good twenty minutes in order to not fall asleep.

It was weird not waking up to my parents fighting, it was definitely missing a bit but I could get used to it, didn't like it either way, but until that happens... I put my headphones on and play metal rock, I can just use music!

I got out of the room and saw Karl next to three pans pouring a batter into one, twisting pancakes on another, and putting the last one on a plate,

'It'll never get boring here will it?'

I go over to the plate full of pancakes and take one
"Delicious!" I say
"Thank you, that's what we're gonna eat for the next few days, I made too many pancakes" he laughs nervously
"Yeah I can see that"

I wait until he's done producing more pancakes and we sit down at the table and start eating
"Why didn't you just put the batter in the fridge though?" I was curious
"Now you're asking?" He said in an annoyed tone but just laughs it off.

We finish eating and there were hella lot of pancakes left for us to eat, Karl packs some in his launch box and says that if I'm hungry during lunch I can ask him for more pancakes.

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