Chapter 6

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Tw: none

Quackity POV:

It was finally the last lesson, poetry.
I didn't really like it but I had to take it in order to become a lawyer, which sucked and does not make sense. 

'How the hell is poetry supposed to help me become a lawyer?'

I walk to class and see that new kid, Nick if I'm not wrong talking to a snail hybrid probably from the same year as him, I shrugged and continued going for my class, he's just a nerd I shouldn't care about him.
I walked inside the classroom and sat down in the back row next to the window

"Alex? Why are you sitting here? Come sit with us!" I looked up and saw Charlie, he was my friend since the first grade and was just a year or two older than me
"Are you sure Charlie?" I ask him "Your friends don't really like me, and to be honest I'm pretty sure they hate me"
"Stop talking nonsense! They love you!" He pointed at a group of people sitting in the front, they all stared at me and I could feel the hate they had towards me in their eyes
"Actually, I feel like staying in the back today" I lied, as a duck hybrid I'm an extravert but not a lot of people really like me in this school because I date the 'big bully Schlatt' he had an attitude problem and was disrespectful for everyone, he was still popular because all of the girls wanted to sleep with him even though he was only 17 he did sleep with a lot of them until we started dating, he was always such a sweetheart to me and I don't care what Charlie says.
People call us 'pumpkin duo' because he always called me pumpkin instead of 'babe' or 'love' but it was nice and kind of funny to be honest

"Do you want us to move to the back then?" He suggested snapping me back from my thoughts
"No, I'm okay, Schlatt should be here any moment now" I rejected his offer
"Brake up with him" he suddenly says
"Charlie, we've been over this already, I'm not breaking up with him" I sighed
"Alex, he's not good for you, he makes everyone hate you and just uses you, once he gets whatever he wants he'll dump you, besides look at all of the bruises he leaves on you" he pointed at the sleeve of my hoodie and I immediately covered it

Maybe Charlie was right, but I can't do it, he's such a big part of my life I cannot just throw him out of there, this will not change my social situation either and I don't get anything out of it
"I'm sorry Charlie, I understand that you're only worried for me but I'm going to sit here with my boyfriend and maybe my new friend, if he has this class..."

"Okay, your loss" he took a minute to process what I said "Wait you have a new friend? THAT'S AWESOME!!! We can hang out all three-"
"Four" I fixed him
"FoUr of us together sometime!!"
I smile at him, I didn't think Nick will actually take this class almost nobody does, more than half of the class is just theater kids and nerds, and just when I was expecting it the least Nick walked through the door waving goodbye to someone
"Hey, Nick!" I called him waving so he could see me
"Alex!" He smiled, I didn't know why, all I did was act like a dick to him and he actually likes me? He's weird, but I'm glad he is

"Dab me up!" Charlie said when he spotted Nick
"Dab me up!"
"Sorry, I'm not into that kind of stuff..."
"Dab me up!"
"Are you okay?"
"Dab me up!"
"What do you even mean"
"Dab me up!"
"Charlie, do you want me to call Karl?"
"Dab me up!"

This was giving me a headache so I just kicked Charlie in his leg and that shut him up, or at least that's what I thought

"Thank you, Alex! But I asked Nick, not you. Dab me up!" He turned back to Nick
"Just punch him already, please" I asked Nick

"Charlie I'm not going to hit you! We just met this morning!"
"Dab me up!"

"Charlie please stop, I think Nicholas is uncomfortable with hitting you, try another time" I groaned
"Aww, okay... You guys should definitely join us at the front though!" He said and left to sit with his friends

Is this love? a Karlnapity fanficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora