Chapter 11

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Recommendation: watch the Queen movie, 'Bohemian Rhapsody'' before reading this chapter
tw's: mentions of OCD, Spoilers to 'Bohemian Rhapsody', fluff, angst, a bit awkward

Sapnap POV:

Alex had been acting strange ever since he saw that duckling, we were almost at Karl's apartment and he barely said two words since then.

Hopefully, the movie will make him feel better.

We stopped in front of the building and Karl opened the door acting as if he was a gentleman and bowed down

I laughed and Alex seemed to give a weak smile

"Come on let's race to the top!" I started running up the stairs and Karl immediately started chasing me, we stopped when we realized that Alex wasn't following us, suddenly Karl came down to talk to Alex

"I know this building is old, but I promise you, it's safe to run up the stairs cause we renewed almost everything inside of the building" he reassured Alex

"Okay, I'm sorry for what I'm about to do but, first of all, it is not safe to run up any stairs, second of all, it'll be loud and we'll interrupt all of the neighbors third of all-"
"NICK I GIVE UP! HE'S IMPOSSIBLE TO LIKE!" Karl yelled at me "/J" he added after realizing that what he had just said might come out in the wrong way  

I just sighed and went down grabbing both of their hands and taking them up the stairs
"Gosh, you guys are babies" I rolled my eyes at their stupid behaviors

Alex tried to drop my arm
"I can walk on my own dipshit" his voice was cold and scary

"Oops- Sorry Alex" I let go of his hand
Karl was about to say something, probably about Alex's tone or something but I just pinched him a little bit signing him to be quiet

We went up the stairs and I moved aside to let Karl open the door for us.

As we walked inside Alex started scanning the area "Nice place" he said smiling
"Thank you" Karl didn't smile back though "Are you hungry?"

"I don't know, Alex?" I tried to make him join the conversation
"Um, I don't care" he said

"Alright, so what about some fruits and vegetables?" Karl asked
"Sure, that'll be nice" I agreed
"Yep" Alex looked over at what Karl was doing "ya need help?"
"No thank you, I can do that on my own, why won't you and Nick try to find the movie?" Karl suggested
"Can we watch it in your room?" I asked hopeful, Karl's room was awesome, almost everything there was painted and the TV was gigantic
"Sure, I don't see why not" he shrugged "The key is under the carpet, do not look through my stuff, and don't try looking for the key there next time, I'll switch the place"

I already knew that Karl locks his room and is very private about his stuff, but now that Alex knows it too, I don't think he's going to respect Karl's boundaries

We went to his room and opened the door with the key that actually was under the carpet just like Karl told us.

As soon as we walked through the door Alex's eyes went looking around
"There's a secret room here"  he declared

"How did you even- whatever man" I went over to the purple sofa grabbed the remote and sat down waiting for Alex but when I turned around to look at what was taking him so long I saw him looking through the bookshelf

"He has so many Queer books..." He muttered "Ooo~ 'The Gravity Of Us', Hey, Nick do you think he'll let me borrow that? I've been trying to get it for months but it's either not in the store or I'm just broke"

"Alex, he said not to look through his stuff" I got up
"I didn't know it counted as 'stuff', I mean, it's just a bookshelf that leads to a secret room, I think if you pull the Bible the room will open but that does count as looking through his stuff, there's probably a reason why it's secret" Alex looked away from the bookshelf

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