Chapter 12

58 4 19

Tw's: feeling left out, self-blaming(?), fluff, wholesome, poker, flirting with friends 

Karl POV:

The movie was done and now it was time to start thinking about the project
"So what are we going to do anyway?" I asked trying to start the conversation

"Maybe we can recreate a scene from the movie?" Alex suggested
"Or maybe a song!" Sapnap jumped up in the excitement
"Yeah! Remaking a song will be so cool!" I agreed
"So which one are we going to do?" Alex asked
"I was thinking 'You're my best friend' or 'I'm in love with my car', what do you think?" Sapnap said
"I think 'Keep yourself alive' will be nice, it has a good message" While both Alex and Sapnap were right, there was still something bothering me.
"Wouldn't it make more sense to remake 'Bohemian Rhapsody'?" I asked

"Well, you do make a point..." Sapnap said
"How about we just remake the whole album?" Alex suggested
"Ooh! That's a cool idea!" I agreed "Sapnap, what do you think?"

"Sure! But we need to ask Schlatt"
Schlatt... God I hated that guy.
Maybe I didn't have a good reason to hate Alex but for Schlatt I had quite a few

"Don't worry, I'm pretty sure he'll agree to anything" Alex said
An evil idea crossed my mind "So we can recreate the clip to 'I want to break free'?" I smirked
"Uhhh-" Alex looked wordless for a moment "Let's just stick with 'A /night At The Opera', what do you think?" He rubbed the back of his neck smiling awkwardly
"Sure, so how will we make it? Does any of you know how to play any instruments?" I asked
"I know how to play guitar!" Alex raised his hand high like he was in class or something
"I learned how to play the drums when I got into Queen and especially Roger, also, my friend's dad owns a recording studio that we can work in!" Sapnap smiled widely
"Cool, but we still need a piano and a bassist" I informed them 
"My friend's brother plays the piano and also Tubbo, plus Tubbo has a high voice so if any of us can't hit Rogers notes then he can" Alex said 
"Which friend?" I raise an eyebrow, Alex wasn't exactly surrounded by the nicest people and I didn't want to deal with another bully
"You probably don't know him, his name is Wilbu- William Gold Minecraft" Alex gave Nick a side eye as if he knew what he was about to say next "Minecraft... Wait, does he have a brother named Tom?"
"Yep, that's the one I was talking about" Alex gave him a child smile
"I didn't know Tommy played the piano! And Tubbo does too?" 

they continued talking about how they know the 'Minecraft' family while I was left out a bit, so I went outside the room, I bet they didn't even notice... I couldn't get to my secret room behind the bookshelf right now because it was in my actual room so I just went over to the kitchen, I saw an empty glass on the counter and sighed as I picked it up and put it in the dishwasher along with everything else in the sink

I sat down and stared at the almost full dishwasher, why did I feel so bad about these two not including me in the conversation?
I'm going to turn eighteen this year, I should be able to do that myself, it's not like if I tried to join the conversation they'll talk over me or make fun of me, not Nick at least...
I'm just an attention seeker, aren't I?
I want everything to be about me and everyone's attention twenty-four-seven, immediately getting jealous  if they find any other friends that are not me

I walked over to the fridge and grabbed a white monster can, drinking half of it in one go

"Chillax dude, I don't think that's healthy" I heard someone chuckle 
I looked behind me and saw Alex leaning on the door smirking at me
"Why are you here?" I asked not having the energy to deal with him
"Well, you left so 'Sapnap' as you call him and I went looking for you, Sapnap thought you might have just gone to the bathroom but judging by your look throughout the whole conversation you just needed a break so I pretended to not notice you leaving for a couple of minutes but Nick noticed that you weren't there too fast" He didn't make a big deal out of it which made me happy a bit but then I realized, he looked at me during the conversation and paid attention to my reaction about what was happening? Why?

Is this love? a Karlnapity fanficWhere stories live. Discover now