Chapter 20

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A\N: I can't believe this is actually chapter twenty, thank you all so so much for reading the story, it means a lot to me, enjoy the chapter!

Karl POV:

I drove Schlatt, Alexis, Sapnap, and I to an unknown address that Alex had given me, as I went through unfamiliar streets I started to worry more and more, I could swear that if I walked through these streets at home this late at night I would most likely get kidnapped or murdered

"... Alex...? Are you sure this is the correct way?" I asked him, my voice shaking in fear.

"Yeah, Mother's house is just around the corner" He smiled and Schlatt nodded in agreement, backing him up
"I'm pretty sure I just saw a drug dealer-" Sapnap put his hand on my thigh squeezing it tightly "I'm starting to regret leaving my gun at home..."

I quickly stopped the car "YOUR WHAT?!" I asked in complete shock
"Nick, you have a GUN?" Alexis asked him from the back seat, looking just as shocked as I am
"Yeah, my dad got it for me, he knows how to throw knives!" He looked at our horrified faces before adding "It's for self-defense and all, you know, because I'm a part demon and all"

I looked at him, still a bit shocked and a little scared but kept driving anyway

"We're... Here...?" I looked at the house in disbelief, it was so unstable, there was no way someone could live there.
"Don't judge Karl, not everybody is as rich as you are" Alex glared at me and I sensed a little bit of annoyance from him
"Sorry... I didn't mean to- I was just-" I noticed him getting even more annoyed "I'll just find a place to park the car..." I looked back at the road, ashamed of myself for making Alex feel judged, I drove the car around the street until I finally found a parking spot, we all quickly got out of the car and Sapnap instantly clung onto me, naturally scared by the dark streets, Schlatt took out a lighter and put the fire on one of Sapnap's hands causing him to wince.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?! HE'S NOT IMMUNE TO FIRE DUMBASS!" I yelled at him before quickly turning to Sapnap, helping him put the fire out

"I thought it would work like a torch, and then we'll have a way to see something" Schlatt shrugged
"Schlatt, I understand why you thought that, but maybe next time you should try using the flashlight on your phone first." Alex smiled at Schlatt softly, putting a hand on Schlatt's shoulder, pulling him away from Sapnap

I checked that Sapnap was fully recovered before catching up to Alex and Schlatt, following them to Alexis's mother's house, with now both me and Sapnap being in a bad mood

"¡Hola Mamá!" Alexis smiled widely as we walked into the house
"¡Hola mi hijo! ¿Cómo estás?" She asked as she came out of what I guessed was the kitchen considering she was wearing a dirty apron
"Estoy bien, y tu?" He kissed her on the cheek, AWH, and she ruffled his hair through his beanie, DOUBLE AWH, he's such a mama's boy

"Estoy bien, ¿quiénes son estos dos con Jonathan?" She asked as she looked over at me and Sapnap

"N-No hablo español" I said nervously while fidgeting with the corner of my phone case, taking it off and putting it back on rapidly. 

"Oh, it's okay sweetheart, don't worry about it, I know enough English to have a conversation" She smiled and looked up at me "He's tall, how old are you, boy?"
"I'm 18" I smiled back awkwardly, rubbing the back of my neck as I looked down at her "Name's Karl, Karl Jacobs" I offered my hand for a handshake
"You're so formal, put that hand down" She laughed slightly "Karl, huh? then you must be Nicholas, right?" She smiled at Sapnap "You're a hybrid right? A demon one if I remember correctly"
"*Half-demon-hybrid" He corrected her, smiling "Nice to meet you, Miss Maldonado"
"Damn, you remember my last name, even Schlatt doesn't remember that" Alex looked at him

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