Chapter 4

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Tw: eating disorder, mention of cuts

Anything that has a line under it will be triggered in the chapter so you can skip it while reading

Karl POV:

I was cooking soup for dinner when suddenly there was a knock on the door

"JUST A MOMENT" I yell, I made sure that everything was in place and went over to the door.

I opened it and outside there was a teenage boy, if it was my guess he was fifteen or sixteen years old.
He had a white bandana that was covered by his smooth messy dark brown hair, matching his slightly brighter brown eyes.

"Hello! You must be George's friend, Nick, right?" I greeted him "Come inside!"

"I just wanted to say thank you so much for letting me stay here! I really appreciate it" He followed me inside
"It's no problem at all! I'm glad I could help, so I believe I haven't introduced myself yet, I'm Karl Jacob, George's cousin. I'm not a hybrid but I am going to a hybrid-friendly school and know most of the stuff I need to know to get along with hybrids, by the way, I'm a vegetarian" I told him, I guessed George had already told him most of this stuff but hearing them again wouldn't hurt him, right?

"It's nice to meet you Karl, I'm Nicholas, you can also use the Nickname 'Nick' like you did earlier, it's more casual and I honestly like it better, I'm a half-demon hybrid and I guess I'll be going to your school and I can eat everything" he said smiling

I smiled back, he was nicer than what I would expect someone who's a half-demon to be.

*Beep* *Beep*
*Beep* *Beep*

I looked over at the oven and the timer that I put on when I started making the soup went off.
I walked back into the kitchen and turned off both the fire and alarm.

"What are you cooking?" Nick asked trying to start a small talk
"Vegetable soup" I answered "I wanted to make something that'll feel like home, beside soup is always number one for me!"
"That's very generous of you" he said as I poured the soup into two different bowls
"Aw, thank you!" I looked back at him.
I put the bowls on the table but didn't sit down

I looked at his shoes, they had a white and black square pattern, like the one in car races flags
"I hope you read the rules" I looked up at him again
"Oh yeah, I still didn't get the chance to memorize them all, but I will until the weekend, I promise" he looked at me

"Yeah I can see that"
He looked confused for a moment, but then I looked down at his shoes and then stared into his eyes, a smirk slowly appeared on my face when he realized what happy


"Jesus, you are loud" I laughed at his reaction

"Sorry..." He apologized
"Eh it's okay, it's just your first day here. Put them next to the door" I pointed in the direction he originally came from
"Okay" he said quietly and quickly walked back to the door to take his shoes off

"Okay, I'll give you a full tour after dinner but for now I'll just show you where the bathrooms are" I started walking into a hall signing him to follow me

I stopped in front of a small white door that was made out of wood
"Okay, wash your hands, and if you need to use the bathroom after a couple of hours on a train and then come back to eat, I'll wash mine in the kitchen" I said

"Wait why couldn't I wash my hands in the kit-"
"Because the good soap is in here and like I said, maybe you need to use the bathroom, if you need anything ask me" I didn't let him finish his sentence and walked back to the kitchen leaving him there, I washed my hands and just when I was done I heard the bathroom door opening, did he just get in?

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