Chapter 18

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Tw's: I may have called Quackity by his nickname (that he doesn't have yet) so if you see that I wrote Quackity/Quack/Q somewhere just imagine it says Alex/Alexis

Sapnap POV:

I woke up to the familiar knock on the door, I was usually awake when Karl knocked on the door but it didn't bother me

"I'M ALIVE!" I yelled like I do every day

I sighed and got up extremely tired, I rubbed my eyes and looked around the room that was already half a mess, I'll need to clean it today...

I slowly walked to my wardrobe and grabbed a shirt a hoodie and a pair of jeans not really caring if they match

I ended up getting out of my room yawning, I already got used to not being woken up by yelling and it was honestly pretty nice

I sat down at the table, probably looking like I wanted to kill myself
"Didn't get much sleep did ya?" Karl asked placing down a bowl of cereals in front of me
"Nope" I said half yawning
"And that's why you should stop watching Bohemian Rhapsody" He glared at me
"Fuck off, I watched the new movie 'the show must go on' with Adam something" I did a middle finger at him
"Whatever, just eat I'm not letting you skip school today" he rolled his eyes at me
"Ugh, fine..." It's not like I was gonna skip anyway, I needed to make sure Quackity was alright and then we'll all go back to Bakersfield to start working on the project
"Come on mister grumpy! We have to hurry up!" He called
"I want to kill myself." I stated
"Then don't. Let's go!" He already had his backpack on
"Fine, I'll finish eating and then" I grunted

"By the way, I thought about stopping being vegan... Got any tips?" He suddenly asked me
"Huh? Why? You hate the idea of hurting animals!" I was extremely worried that something might have happened
"Well... I figured giving up meat won't be very healthy for me" he admitted
"Karl, there are many ways to make up for the loss of meat, you probably know that, right?" I was ready to do full-on research around the world for this boy if it means he doesn't have to give up being who he likes to be
"I need to... Gain weight... And being vegan isn't the way to do that..." He sighed
"Karl-" I was shocked, why would he think he needs to gain weight "Don't worry, I'm sure we can find ways to help you do that without eating meat!"
"I'm just... Scared..." He rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably
"I promise, you have absolutely nothing to be scared of" I gave him a reassuring smile "Now let's go to school"

As we walked to school I had my headphones on and listened to "no more fun" by Roger Taylor (the drummer of Queen) on repeat, I spotted Tommy and Tubbo
"Yo, Karl, can we say hi to them?" I took off my headphones
"Sure" he smiled and I immediately ran up to them

"TOMMY! TUBBO! Are you guys coming to the recording today?" I asked them obviously excited
"Of course boss man!" Tubbo smiled and gave me a thumbs up "Meet ya at the train station?"
"Yep! Main gate at 12, your teachers let you get out of school early?" I made sure they were going to come in one hundred percent
"Mhm!" Tommy nodded his head "Is it okay if Will comes too? He doesn't want to let us go alone"
"Sure I guess, whatever makes him happy" I shrugged "See ya later then!!"
"Byeee!" Tubbo waved goodbye
"Bye, bitch!" Tommy gave me a middle finger and I returned it

I laughed as I ran back to Karl
"So, are they coming?" He asked
"Yeah, but Wilbur is joining us" I smiled
"Oh, that's good! I heard he's in a band so maybe he can help us, we still don't have a basis though" He sighed
"We'll find one, don't sweat about it, we already got so far!" I smiled as wide as I could

we soon got to the school immediately looking for Alexis who was with Schlatt, Schlatt playing with his feathers

"YOO! ALEX!!" I called as I waved to him
"NICK! KARL!" He smiled and waved back
Karl and I went up to him
"Oh my god! Alex! Your wings are so pretty! Can I touch them too??" I adored the way his golden wings looked, he must have washed them last night or something
"Thank you! And um- I'd prefer if you won't touch them right now, they're very sensitive and you need to learn how to touch them in a specific way" Alex smiled awkwardly
"I can learn!" I smiled
"Nick, leave him alone" Karl scolded me "Yep, my parents taught me how to do it, it doesn't seem like Schlatt is doing it though..." he scanned Schlatt up and down

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