Start of A deadly Rivalry

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Giggling, that was the first noise he heard. Izuku fluttered his eyes open to a bright light in his room and felt like something or someone holding him down, he looked to see what it was and to his surprise there were two women hugging him. He tried to make out who they were but the bright light in the room was kinda making it hard, but for some reason he felt like he recognized them like he knew who these two girls were. "You're so warm, Izu~." One girl who sounded a little proper and respectful grabbed his hand and placed it right on her cheek where she proceeded to snuggle within his palm making him blush, he then felt the other girl kiss his forehead. "Oh Izuku, your totes adorable when you get all red." This girl said, using some slang words as she proceeded to snuggle in the crook of his neck giggling with happiness.

He didn't know what was going on or how he got with these girls, and he could get over how he almost recognized them. The way they were talking, how the sound, how they acted, it just seemed.....familiar. Not only that but he felt at peace with them, as if they were his protectors. The light in the room then got brighter and brighter until it was nothing but white, this indicated that he was starting to wake up.

~Real World~

Izuku opened his eyes to his off white ceiling. His body feeling rather refreshed after the dream he had with it confusing him to no end, 'Just what was that about?' Smelling around the room, a strange scent of peaches came off his clothes and bedsheets. 'I'm pretty sure the fabric softener mom uses smells nothing like this. I wonder if mom knows what this is about?' Izuku started to get up with the feeling on the side of his bed. He wasn't lying on feeling what felt like another body on it. He decided to ignore this and started to walk out with the sight of Camie a distance away buttoning her shirt up with her hair slightly a mess. Izuku didn't realize what happened, but he without a doubt felt off knowing he didn't feel this well in a long time. "Izuku. Breakfast is almost done." Inko spoke up from the kitchen for Izuku to start walking out of his room while putting on a shirt and adjusting his pants so they fit right.

As Izuku walked out of the hall and to the dining area, Inko noticed a strange look on her son's face. "So what happened? Did some kind of personal issues happen?" Inko asked her son with some concern. "I Sorta.....I just had this weird dream." "What was it? Normally a subconscious is telling you something if you are acknowledging it." Inko suggests as she took it upon herself to start research into child psychology when she was on maternity leave with Izuku to know the basics of what some issues could be. "Well, I felt as if I was laying in my bed with t-two girls next to me." Izuku stuttered as he explained it to his mother who passed him a plate of pancakes. "Two girls?" "Yes. I couldn't tell who they were, but I have the strangest feeling that I knew them." "Were you satisfied hearing them?" Inko questioned as Izuku blushed. "A little."

"Hmmm... The only thing I can think is you're in love and your subconscious is trying to get you to confess to these girls. If you know the voice, then there's a good chance that your mind is trying to tell you that you need to confess to these girls." Inko said, with pride. "Mom...... *sigh* I appreciate the confidence you're giving me but what girl would go out with a waste of space like me?" Izuku said he then felt a slight chop on top of his head. He looked at his mom who had a bit of anger in her face. "You're not a waste of space and any girl would be lucky to have someone like you. You're smart, dedicated, kind hearted, maybe not the most attractive but definitely still hold your own charm, and most of all, you're honest and loyal. To women, they want a man that won't make them insecure about dating someone and that is what makes you a catch. Boys your age always act like there's a catch involved with dating them. You have no ulterior motive for liking someone. For example, why are you friends with Uraraka and Asui?" Inko explained for Izuku to shrug his shoulders. 

"I guess they like having me around." "Why?" Izuku tried to think of a reason, but couldn't. "Because you are kind and honest. You may not think it means something, but in friendships and relationships, that's the most important thing. Women want someone around them that will make them happy. Some look for happiness in the wrong locations though, but let's leave that to the side for now." Patting her son's back, Inko smiled while placing the orange juice on the table for Izuku. "Trust me, sweetie. You're more appealing than you think and you shouldn't downplay yourself so easily. If you find these girls, at least try and ask them out to see if they'd be willing. Something tells me they will be." Izuku thought of this before nodding and pouring him a cup of orange juice before finishing his breakfast and heading upstairs to finish getting ready for school.

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