The Class Trip

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"GODDAMMIT!" The sound of a locker being punched by Bakugou after the exercise, after losing to the boy he tormented for years he decided to vent his anger on his locker door. Standing right beside him was Todorki who just stared at the blonde who was trying to put a dent on the small metal door.

"You know the more you do that the closer you are to breaking your hand. Just calm down already. We lost to Midoriya, so what?" Bakugou then looked at Todoroki with foam coming out of his mouth making him look away.


"You dont think I'm pissed off as well? Not long ago I just saw the twerp receive a hug from Momo, even spoon feed him. I don't know what he's done to get on their good side but we'll make sure he won't go near them again." Todoroki then clenched his fist remembering seeing Izuku taking Momo to the nurses office and seeing her give Izuku a small hug.

"What pisses me off the most is the fact that the nerd didn't snitch on us. He knows what the school will do to us if he told them that we were making the little bitch do our work. It's as if he's looking down at us and that is what I hate the most." Bakugou then sat down on the floor and laid his back on the lockers.

"I don't know if you noticed yourself but, have you noticed how Utsushimi acts around Midoriya?" Todoroki asked Bakugo to remember what he saw back out in the field and at lunch. "Yeah I did, Camie never acts like that with any other guy in this school hell, even me. But for some reason he got her to spoon feed him like a baby while smiling the whole time. You think she and Yaoyorozu are falling for the nerd?" Bakugou asked making Todoroki laugh

"Pfff are you kidding me, him? Not a chance. I mean think about it, they are probably pitying the dork." Bakugou laughed at this thinking Todoroki had a point. In their minds, there was no reason to actually think there's a shred of a chance that was possible.

"Yeah, that's probably not gonna happen in ten lifetimes. But the fucking nerd should know that that's never gonna happen so he doesn't get too big for his bridges."

"Something tells me he'll think the wrong thing when he goes on that Student Council trip." Todoroki remembered something specific Bakugou talked about before. "Didn't you say you were close with one of the members?"

"The second year? Yeah, I get her to help me with overlooking any complaints the school has on me in exchange for going a round or two with her. Kinda a win win, why?" Bakugou asked, Todorki then showed an evil grin to the blonde hot head. "I think it's best we make sure Midoriya's fully aware he's not worth much to anyone." "I like where this is going." Bakugou smirked at this with Todoroki explaining what they planned to do.

~Later that evening~

Izuku felt pretty good about himself. He finally gets to relax for once and this trip might get his mind off well......everything, the bullying, the school work, the ridicule, the daily beat ups he gets everyday, even get his mind off the......demons he has. Speaking of which you're probably wondering where he is right now, well at the moment he is currently riding in the back of a car back home, courtesy of Momo who asked one of her butlers to drive the boy home. Where was Momo right now? Well she was playing with her favorite toy who was blushing up a storm along with Camie who decided to ride with them. Momo was hugging his arm while Camie was resting her head on his lap. Both girls were happy that he was one of the winners which means this gives their plans of making him a smooth setup.

"You did great out there Izuku! I never knew you were such an athlete!" Momo complimented the boy as she hugged him with love. "I know right!? He was so fast and agile I couldn't tell if I was looking at the same person. The school should totes replace Bakugou and Izuku should be the star player. He would be breaking records left and right." Camie cutely punched the air as she comfortably rested her head on his lap. "His lap is so comfy, I wanna stay like this forever." "T-thanks you g-guys, by the w-way C-camie why are y-you lying *gulp* on my l-lap." The nervous boy asked for her to giggle. "Because where BFF'S silly, you can lay on my lap if you want. I really don't mind. Besides, you look tired." Camie offered, making the boy blush.

The Student Prez and the Cheerleader After a Cinnamon Roll Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora