Izuku The Athletic

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After the whole incident in the cafeteria, Izuku and Momo were currently walking to the nurse's office to get Momo a new shirt. But he still felt bad about spilling the drink he was going to give Bakugou all over Momo. He hoped that Momo didn't think that he did it on purpose just to see through her shirt and take a look at her......assets. He just became friends with her and did want to ruin his now new friendship with her. Momo on the other hand was still embarrassed, not because of what Izuku did but what Bakugou did. She wanted to beat the living shit out of Bakugou after what he did to Izuku.

"H-Hey, sorry for spilling that drink all over you." Izuku apologized to Momo who looked at him with confusion, why is he apologizing he didn't do anything wrong.

"Don't be sorry Midoriya. If anything, that mongrel Bakugou should be the one who's sorry. Making your trip like that just to embarrass you, I'll make sure to give him a good stern talking to next time I see him." Momo informed Izuku only to make him shudder in fear.

"No, that's okay. I'm sure Aizawa is talking to him about it. So don't waste your time on defending me, I'll be okay." This saddens Momo, how long has Bakugou bullied and ridiculed Izuku? What has he done to this kind, handsome boy to make him feel lower than nothing? This upsetted her and she will not let this go on for any longer. It was time that she laid the hammer down, Momo grabbed Izuku by the shoulders and looked him in the eye.

"Izuku, never ever say that you're a waste of my time. Me and Camie are now your friends and will do anything to help you in your time of need just ask me and we'll do anything in our power to help you out." Momo's words touch Izuku, not enough to make him cry and hug her but to smile at her knowing that he has made some great friends despite feeling like a burden to them they are willing to still help out in his darkest time.

"Thanks, it's nice to know that you're not mean like everyone else." Izuku calmed himself before glancing down and noticing he was pressed up against Momo's chest to immediately go red. He pulled back and panicked. "I-I didn't mean that. T-that was a friend hug!"

"It's ok. I get it. I was the one that hugged you first, so don't worry." The two began heading towards the nurse's office again for them to open the door and be met by Chiyo Shuzenji. Or as everyone calls her, Recovery Girl. "Hello there. Might I ask what's troubling you both?"

"Sorry to worry you, but Yaoyorozu had a drink splash on her and she needs a replacement shirt."

"Oh, my apologies for that happening. The extras are in the back. Let me grab one. In the meantime, why don't you take a seat? Also, you may wish to turn around, Midoriya." Recovery Girl walked towards the back with Izuku questioning what she meant before glancing at Momo and noticing that her shirt was translucent enough to see the dark red bra underneath her shirt to immediately turn around.

"S-sorry!" Momo glanced at Izuku's reaction before getting an idea. "You know, I don't mind if you look." Momo reassured him.

"N-no, I'd be a creep to look at a girl while she's dressing." This surprised Momo, although she didn't mind that it was him he was still considerate towards her. It was admirable, but also somewhat annoying due to the lack of excitement she could have but she wasnt annoyed at him she understood why, after all he does get harassed at this school everyday. '~Oh i'm gonna make sure to smother you with love with these~ They waited in silence until Recovery Girl came towards them with a spare shirt for Momo. She unbuttoned her own and wiped off any extra soda with some wipes Recovery Girl had before placing the spare on. Once she was done, Momo gave Izuku the all clear to turn around. "Alright. Anything else I can help you both with?"

"No. That should be fine. Thank you, ma'am." Momo bowed with Izuku as they walked out towards the door. As they did, Recovery Girl went to her desk to finish up the information on their entry.

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