Crazy School Day

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Welp, they stirred up the hornet's nest not only did Izuku and his girls walked through a crowd of angry teens ready to rip his head off but they manage to piss off Bakugou and even Todoroki who was known to be calm, cool, and good looking according to the girls at U.A he wasn't good looking enough, as if that mattered to Momo and Camie. Speaking of which the girls and Izuku were on their way to their classes unfortunately, Camie's first period was in a different class so she had to split from them which sucks because Camie cant handle with being away from Izuku, it was like a drug to her and she can't get enough but sadly it wasn't her choice.

"Well i'm gonna head off to class, it blows that we cant be together in the same class." Camie said as she was hesitant to let Izuku go. She wanted to keep Izuku close so he doesn't get hurt by her many "friends"

"Don't worry, we can meet up at lunch and enjoy the warm sun. I know a spot where no one will bother us or hurt our muffin." Izuku blushed at being called muffin but at least he feels a little relieved that they are here to keep him away from the angry mob of boys and girls. But here's one thing Izuku couldn't understand, how come they didn't just jump Izuku even when he's with his girlfriends? On top of that Izuku noticed that some of the kids from the mob looked nervous, like they were scared of something or someone. But he decided to worry about it another time.

"Okay keep him safe I don't want any bozo's hurting our man." Camie then gave Izuku a kiss on the cheek and walked away from the two.

"C'mon Izuku will be late for class, I'll be sure to move my desk next to yours if Ms. Kayama lets me do so." With that Momo grabbed Izuku by the arm and hurried to their first period class which is biology. Izuku knew this wasn't going to be a regular day like normal. Usually it's him bowing down at everyone's feet and ordering him to do their work or at times they would for now reason just play a trick on him, or beat him up out of boredom. But now it seems things will be different from now and for that he will finally have a nice time at U.A along with his lovers.

But now we switch over to Camie who at the moment had butterflies in her stomach mainly because she was away from Izuku and was afraid someone might hurt him, on top of that she felt lonely. But she knows not to worry because Momo is with him and if anyone tries to do anything to him will receive a knife in the back courtesy of the lovely Momo Yaoyorozu. Still the feeling without Izuku in her arms made her feel lonely. The feeling then suddenly went away when she heard a notification on her phone. She pulled it out to see a text message from Saki, one of the cheerleader members and a notable girl around the school.

"Ughhhh, what does this skank want now? Like damn, don't you have five guys you need to fuck at once, whore?" She unlocked her phone and looked at her messages and what the message said was 'Met me in the girls locker room, all the others are here and we need to talk NOW!' Camie had a tick on her forehead, who the hell does this girl think she Is ordering Camie less so a whore!? But she decided to bite and reply with 'This better be important or else i'm going to lose my shit.' With that Camie made her way to the girls locker room where her "best friends" are waiting for her, she knew what they were going to talk to her about so she's going to use this opportunity to tell it to them straight. After walking a good ten minutes she finally arrived at the locker rooms where she entered and saw all her cheerleader pals. As she closed the door to keep their conversation private, Camie leaned on it to avoid anyone from unintentionally walking in. "Ok. Can we make this quick please. Not that I care about missing Math and learning about Algebra 2, but still."

"Why?" The vice captain Saya asked for Camie to look at her.

"You're gonna need to be more specific, girl. I don't get what you're saying."

"Why the twerp?"

"Once again, specify-"


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