Izuku's New Friends

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Momo fluttered her eyes open and was met with a very bright yet gentle light that was shining upon her. She felt at peace with herself and felt like all the bad things in the world were gone and dusted away. She was a bit confused. First she was in Izuku's room and now somewhere in the heavens.

"Where am I? Camie, did you turn on the light or something? If you do, please turn it off." Momo asked as she snuggled into a pillow. But then she felt someone gently touch her face and rub their thumb on her cheek with care in it.

"It's morning time now, silly, and Camie is still asleep." Momo then shot her eyes open and immediately recognized who's voice that was. She saw Izuku who was wide awake and smiling at her, his eyes, it was as if he was staring at her with care and love. But Momo was now filled with fear, Izuku woke up to catch her and Camie sleeping in his bed.

"Izuku!? You're awake!? Wait, please don't be mad at us, we can explai-'' But then she was cut off when Izuku put his index finger against her lips.

"It's ok. I understand entirely what you and Camie were trying to do." Izuku placed his hand on her cheek in a loving manner. "To be honest, how could I be so blind to not see a woman as amazing as you always by my side. Momo. I love you." Momo couldn't believe what she was hearing. Her heart was fluttering in happiness. It was as if the entire world around her was focusing only on them. Izuku wrapped his arm and brought her in closer as she leaned in for a kiss, but then there was a tapping that was getting harder for her to see Camie glaring at her before a darkness before her eyes opened to see Camie smacking her face practically.

~Real World~

"Wake up! We overslept!" Camie was silently shouting for Momo to finally sit up. "Finally! We need to get out of here now!"

"What happened!? And why are you in my bed!?"

"We're not in your bed, dumbass! We're in Izuku's and he's going to wake up soon!" Realizing where she was now, Momo immediately tried to get up before a movement in the bed that wasn't between the girls came.

"What the?" They turned to see Izuku somewhat awake, he then slowly rose up from the bed and began to rub his eyes a little and adjust to the sunlight that was beaming into the room.

"Damn, same dream again, those girls almost sound like.... YAOROUZO!? UTSUSHIMI!?"

Momo now panicked realizing she was now discovered. She was about to try and explain herself, but then Camie leaned forwards to have her face in front of Izuku's. "Now don't be so rash right now, Izuku. You wouldn't want to get your blood pumping too quickly in the morning. Or would you~" She pressed a finger on his chest slowly pushing him downwards towards the bed before sliding it slowly down his torso. "This-this is a dream! There's no way this can be real."

Now getting what she was doing, Momo joined in. "Well since it's a dream, tell us what you'd like from us~"

"Yeah, Izuku~ How should we treat a big and handsome man like you~" Camie's hand went down towards his pelvis for Izuku's face to go beet red. Camie saw the bulge in his boxers and decided to tease him. "You seem a little tense down here~ Would you want us to...help out with that~" She leaned in to whisper the last bit in Izuku's ear for it to immediately make Izuku faint. "And that's how you make Izuku think this is a dream."

Momo stared at Camie who seemed proud of herself. "Why do I feel like you've done this before?"

"Trust me when I say we have about ten minutes now before he recovers. We'll talk more when we're out." Momo agreed for them to hop out of bed and begin changing back into their clothes. Once done Camie opened the window and prepared it for them to hop out before climbing through. "Let's go."

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