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Elliot stood beside Olivia's bed and held her hand as an ultrasound tech ran the wand over her swollen stomach. It had taken a few moments to get a good view of the baby, but once the tech found the right position, Elliot and Olivia locked their eyes to the tiny baby on the screen.

"Do you two know the sex of your baby?" The tech questioned, as she hit a button to take a few pictures.

"No, we don't. I didn't find out for my boys, and I don't want to find out about this baby either," Olivia replied tiredly. She glanced up at Elliot and smiled weakly when she saw him watching the screen intensely.

"Then I won't tell you," she chuckled softly.

For over thirty minutes, the tech pointed out different features of the baby and how healthy they were no matter how high-risk this pregnancy was. After the tech left, a high-risk doctor came in. She walked over and examined the ultrasound that had just been taken before doing an internal exam of Olivia. Elliot held his breath and waited to hear if she was still bleeding or not.

"I have good news," Dr. Leonard smiled, as she sat down on a stool and rolled to Olivia's bedside.

"Really?" Elliot asked softly.

"Yes, really. You are still spotting, but it appears things have shifted again. Even though I would recommend you have a planned c-section, it won't be your only option now. The risk of delivering the placenta before the baby is no longer there."

"Can I go home?" Olivia asked as tears welled in her eyes.

"I'm going to keep you here until you give birth. If something happens here, we can perform an emergency c-section and get the baby out in about half an hour. If you go home, chances are that you may have complications and not get here in time. So-"

"I have two little boys at home, and his daughter, too. I haven't been home with my kids for so long, and I just want to take care of them again," Olivia hiccupped as tears streamed down her cheeks. 

Dr. Leonard reached out to comfort Olivia, but Olivia turned to Elliot instead. He held her close and kissed her messy brown hair softly. 

"I know your children miss you, and clearly you miss them. But right now, you have got to focus on your health and the health of your unborn baby. You aren't used to having a difficult pregnancy, but it's important that you relax and stay on bedrest until your child makes its arrival. Do you understand that?"

"What if I promised to stay by her side and rush her to the hospital if something happens?" Elliot asked as he tried to get Olivia what she wanted.

"It's selfish to even ask that, sir," Dr. Leonard snapped. Elliot's and Olivia's eyes went wide, and Elliot leaned away from Olivia and locked eyes with her doctor.

"We are requesting another doctor, one who doesn't talk to us like this. So leave now and get someone else."


The other doctor, even if he was more polite, still did not let Olivia go home. She cried for hours over having to continue staying, but she calmed down when a nurse told her she could have visitors.

"I look like crap," Olivia frowned, as she sat propped up on pillows. Elliot had washed her face and brushed her hair before awkwardly helping a nurse get Olivia into clean pajamas.

"No, you don't," Elliot replied.

"I'm pale and look dirty... the boys shouldn't see me like this," Olivia grumbled, as she adjusted the blanket to cover her stomach and all the monitors.

"I think they will be happy just to see their mama. Once they leave, I'll see if maybe you can take a shower. I'll even volunteer to wash your hair," Elliot smiled, as he walked over and caressed her swollen cheek.

"You just want to see me naked," Olivia grumbled.

"So?" He grinned. Olivia smacked his arm before hearing a soft knock on her closed door.

Elliot walked over and opened it, his eyes lighting up when he saw Serena and all three kids. Avery stood between the boys, her arms wrapped around their shoulders. He couldn't believe how much of a big sister she was acting to Olivia's sons.

"Is Mama in there?" Jackson asked, his eyes full of fear.

"Yeah, your mama is in there. She's waiting to see you guys, but she's not being patient about it," Elliot spoke, a smile on his lips.

"Let them in before I climb out of bed and do it myself!" Olivia ordered. Elliot chuckled softly before leading the kids into the room. Jackson and Landon went sprinting to the bed, Serena keeping pace with them to prevent them from jumping on Olivia. Elliot squatted down in front of Avery before caressing her tear-stained cheeks.

"She's okay, AJ."

"Are you sure, Daddy?" Avery whispered. Elliot nodded slowly before pressing a soft kiss to her daughter's forehead.

"C'mon, let's go see Liv," Elliot breathed.

As they joined the others around Olivia's bed, Avery hid behind her father's legs. She was too scared to look at Olivia, especially since she didn't look like the Olivia they saw a few weeks prior.

"When can you come home, Mama?" Landon asked as he held his mother's hand and played with it.

"After the baby comes... you'll have to wait until Elliot and I call and tell you that the baby is here."

Landon sighed softly before nodding. Jackson and Landon talked to their mother for several minutes before Olivia asked for Avery. The little girl stepped out from behind her father before taking Olivia's outstretched hand.

"Hey, Avery. I've missed you," Olivia breathed.

"I was worried you didn't like me anyone, and that's why you didn't pick up your phone... But then I found out you were here... I was so scared," Avery whispered. 

Olivia blinked away a few tears before helping Avery onto the bed. The boys started to protest, but Serena placed her hands over their mouths and let the moment happen.

"There is nothing to be scared about anymore, Avery... and there is nothing you could do that would make me stop liking you. Stop loving you," Olivia whispered to the girl. Avery turned to face Olivia before hugging her neck tightly.

"I love you too."

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