Chapter 1

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The Hero's Weakness

Context: Izuku Midoriya catches cold.


It started with a tickle in his throat, a dryness that made him cough. At first, Izuku brushed it off, chalking it up to allergies or a minor irritation. But as the days passed, the coughing grew worse, and he began to feel run down and achy.

He tried to push through it, telling himself that he couldn't afford to take a break. He was a hero in training, after all, and heroes couldn't afford to show weakness. But as the fever set in and his body grew weaker, he knew that he couldn't ignore it any longer.

He was confined to his bed, unable to move or speak without coughing fits wracking his body. He was alone, isolated from the world outside his bedroom, and he couldn't help but feel like he was failing. He was supposed to be a hero, someone who could stand strong in the face of danger, but here he was, brought down by something as simple as a cold.

As the days turned into weeks, the boy's frustration and despair grew. He was falling behind in his studies, missing classes and training sessions that he couldn't afford to miss. He was letting his classmates down, letting his teachers down, and worst of all, letting himself down.

But the worst part was the loneliness. He was used to being surrounded by people, to constantly interacting with others in his quest to become a hero. But now he was alone, with only his thoughts and his illness for company. He tried to keep himself busy, studying and reading and catching up on his favorite shows, but the boredom and the isolation only made him feel worse.

He missed his mother, his friends, and even Bakugo's harsh words. He longed to be back in the classroom, surrounded by his classmates and his teachers. He missed the sound of laughter and the feeling of camaraderie that came with being part of a team.

As the days turned into weeks, Izuku's condition worsened. His cough grew worse, and he struggled to breathe. He was too weak to move, too weak to speak, too weak to do anything except lay in bed and wait for the end.

But then, just when he thought it was all over, his friends came to visit him. Uraraka, Iida, and even Bakugo stood at his bedside, their faces etched with concern and worry. They had come to check on him, to make sure he was okay, and their presence was like a balm to his soul.

It was then that Izuku realized that heroes didn't have to be invincible. They didn't have to be perfect, or strong, or even healthy. They just had to be there for each other, to offer support and encouragement when times were tough.

And so, with his friends by his side, Izuku began to heal. It wasn't easy, and there were still days when he felt weak and vulnerable. But he knew that he wasn't alone, that he had people who cared about him and who would be there for him no matter what. And that, he realized, was the true strength of a hero.

Note: Thank you for reading the first part of my first story. Hope it was okay and you enjoyed. See you in next chapter~!

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