Chapter 8

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Fractured Spirits

Context: All Might is very harsh towards Izuku Midoriya and pushes his training limit which burns him out very exhausted. Worried Bakugou, who noticed, takes care of Izuku even though Izuku tells him he is okay and he can still go on.


The air in the training room felt heavy as Izuku Midoriya struggled to catch his breath, sweat pouring down his exhausted body. All Might, his idol and mentor, stood nearby, a stern expression etched across his face. The normally encouraging smile was replaced with a harsh gaze that seemed to pierce through Izuku's very soul.

"You can do better than this, young Midoriya," All Might's voice boomed, filled with disappointment. "You're not pushing yourself hard enough. You need to give it your all!"

Izuku's heart sank. He had always strived to meet All Might's expectations, but lately, the demands had become too much. He felt like he was drowning, unable to keep up with the relentless pace set by his hero. But he couldn't bring himself to voice his struggles, fearing that it would be seen as weakness.

Katsuki Bakugou, his childhood friend and sometimes rival, watched from a distance, his concern evident in his piercing gaze. He had noticed the toll that All Might's relentless training was taking on Izuku, the way his once vibrant spirit was slowly dimming.

Bakugou couldn't stand by and watch as Izuku pushed himself to the breaking point. With a determined frown, he approached his friend, ignoring Izuku's weak protestations that he was fine.

"Damn it, Deku!" Bakugou growled, his voice laced with worry. "You don't have to pretend with me. I can see right through your lies. You're exhausted, and it's not worth destroying yourself for that old man."

Izuku's defenses wavered as Bakugou's words struck a chord deep within him. He realized that he had been hiding his pain, too afraid to admit that he was reaching his limits. But the concern in Bakugou's eyes broke down the walls he had built.

Tears welled up in Izuku's eyes as he finally admitted, "I... I can't keep going like this. It's too much, Kacchan. But I'm afraid to disappoint All Might."

Bakugou's expression softened, and he reached out, gently placing a hand on Izuku's shoulder. "Listen, Deku. All Might may be your hero, but you don't have to prove anything to him. You need to take care of yourself first."

With Bakugou's support, Izuku began to understand that his well-being mattered above all else. He didn't have to sacrifice himself for the approval of others, even if that person was All Might. Slowly, he allowed himself to lean on Bakugou, finding solace in the unwavering support of his friend.

As days turned into weeks, Bakugou stepped up as Izuku's rock, ensuring he took the time to rest and recover. He listened to Izuku's worries, offering encouragement and reminding him that his worth extended far beyond his ability to meet All Might's expectations.

The dynamic between Izuku and Bakugou shifted, their friendship deepening in the face of adversity. They shared moments of vulnerability, allowing themselves to be seen in their weakest moments, and in doing so, they discovered strength in their connection.

Meanwhile, All Might, unbeknownst to them, began to realize the toll his harsh training had taken on Izuku. He saw the cracks in his young protégé's spirit and recognized the need for a change in approach. Guilt washed over him as he realized the damage he had inadvertently caused.

With a heavy heart, All Might approached Izuku, his voice filled with remorse. "I'm sorry, Midoriya. I pushed you too hard, blinded by my own expectations. Izuku looked up at All Might, his eyes reflecting a mix of exhaustion and sadness. He took a deep breath before responding, his voice tinged with vulnerability.

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