Chapter 6

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Echoes of Calm

Context: Shinsou Hitoshi comforting Midoriya Izuku's very bad panic attack.


The world seemed to close in on Izuku Midoriya, his heart pounding in his chest, his breaths coming in short, shallow gasps. Panic seized his body, paralyzing him with fear. He felt trapped, suffocated by the weight of his anxieties, unable to escape the relentless storm within.

Hitoshi Shinsou, who had become a close confidant to Midoriya, sensed the change in his demeanor. He had witnessed Midoriya's struggles with anxiety before, but this time, it felt different, more intense. He knew he had to act quickly to help his friend find his way back to calm.

Finding Midoriya trembling and hunched over in the corner of an empty classroom, Shinsou approached with gentle steps. He crouched down, his voice soft and reassuring. "Midoriya, it's me, Shinsou. Focus on my voice. Take deep breaths with me, in and out."

Midoriya's wide eyes locked onto Shinsou's, desperate for an anchor amidst the chaos within his mind. His trembling hands clung to Hitoshi's arm, seeking comfort and stability.

"Good, that's it," Shinsou encouraged, his voice steady. "Inhale... and exhale. You're safe here, Izuku. I'm right here with you."

As Shinsou continued to guide Midoriya through controlled breathing, he spoke in a soothing tone, reminding him that panic attacks, as overwhelming as they were, were temporary. He shared his own experiences, assuring Midoriya that he was not alone in this struggle.

Midoriya's grip on Hitoshi tightened, his breathing gradually steadying with each passing moment. But the storm within still raged, threatening to consume him again. Shinsou recognized the need for distraction, something to redirect Midoriya's racing thoughts.

"Close your eyes, Izuku," Shinsou suggested gently. "Listen to the sound of my voice. Imagine yourself in a peaceful place, somewhere you feel safe and secure."

As Midoriya followed Shinsou's instructions, envisioning a tranquil garden with blooming flowers and a gentle breeze, Shinsou continued to speak, painting a vivid picture of serenity. He talked about their shared dreams, their hopes for the future, and the unwavering support they had for each other.

Time seemed to stand still as Shinsou's words wrapped around Midoriya like a protective shield. The panic subsided, giving way to a sense of calm that slowly enveloped him.

When Midoriya finally opened his eyes, tears stained his cheeks, but a glimmer of relief shone through. He released his grip on Shinsou, a grateful smile gracing his lips.

"Thank you, Shinsou," Midoriya whispered, his voice trembling with vulnerability. "I don't know what I would do without you."

Shinsou placed a comforting hand on Midoriya's shoulder, a silent promise that he would always be there for him. "You're never alone, Midoriya. We're in this together, every step of the way."

In that moment, as they sat together in the calm after the storm, Midoriya felt an unbreakable bond form between them. Shinsou's unwavering support and understanding became a lifeline, a source of strength for Midoriya in his darkest moments.

With Shinsou's guidance and friendship, Midoriya knew that he could face his anxieties head-on. The journey to recovery would be arduous, but he found solace in the knowledge that he didn't have to face it alone. Together, they would weather the storm, each step forward a testament to the resilience As days turned into weeks, Midoriya and Shinsou continued to navigate the unpredictable waves of anxiety that crashed against Midoriya's fragile shores. Shinsou became Midoriya's steadfast anchor, offering a listening ear and a comforting presence whenever the panic threatened to overwhelm him.

Shinsou encouraged Midoriya to explore grounding techniques, teaching him methods to bring his focus back to the present moment. They practiced deep breathing exercises, visualization, and even engaged in calming activities such as sketching or taking walks in the tranquil corners of U.A.'s campus.

During their conversations, Shinsou shared his own coping mechanisms and stories of triumph over his personal demons. He spoke of the importance of self-care and seeking professional help when needed, reminding Midoriya that reaching out for assistance was not a sign of weakness but a testament to strength.

Monoma, who had been observing their interactions from a distance, couldn't help but be drawn into their orbit of support. Recognizing Midoriya's vulnerability, he approached the pair one day, his voice devoid of its usual snark.

"Midoriya, I know we've had our differences," Monoma began, his tone surprisingly sincere. "But I've seen the battles you face, and I can't stand by and do nothing. I want to help, too."

Midoriya glanced at Monoma, his expression a mix of surprise and gratitude. He had never expected assistance from someone he once considered a rival, but in that moment, their shared understanding of pain forged an unexpected connection.

Monoma, armed with his own idiosyncratic approach, added his own touch of support to their journey. He shared uplifting stories, cracked jokes to lighten the mood, and even recommended books and movies that he believed could offer moments of respite from the weight of their struggles.

In the midst of the angst that permeated their lives, a fragile camaraderie blossomed. Together, Shinsou and Monoma became Midoriya's pillars of strength, standing tall against the relentless onslaught of anxiety. Their unwavering support and genuine care breathed life into Midoriya's weary soul.

There were setbacks, moments when panic threatened to consume Midoriya once more, but Shinsou and Monoma refused to let him drown. They stood by his side, offering reassurance and reminding him of the progress he had already made.

Through their combined efforts, Midoriya gradually learned to navigate the treacherous terrain of his anxiety. He discovered his own resilience and the power of vulnerability. The path to healing was not linear, but with Shinsou and Monoma as his allies, he found the strength to forge ahead, no longer burdened by the weight of his struggles alone.

And as the days turned into months, Midoriya's smile, once lost in the depths of despair, returned, brighter and more resilient than ever. The echoes of comfort and empathy that Shinsou and Monoma provided created a symphony of healing in his heart, reminding him that even in the darkest of times, there was always a glimmer of light to guide him home.

Note: Here is the Shindeku Platonic Relationship Oneshot!! Hope you enjoyed!

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