Chapter 14

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Context: Izuku struggles with his mental health and eating problem and sleep problem but no one in his class notices the difference in him, not even All Might. but certain fellow two boys from different classes, notices and reaches out to help him but it is not that easy as Izuku does not want a any help that would might become a burden.

Izuku Midoriya's days blurred together in a haze of exhaustion and despair. His mental health had taken a sharp decline, and with it came a host of challenges that he struggled to face alone. His eating problems worsened, his appetite diminished, and his sleep became an elusive companion.

In class, his classmates remained oblivious to the subtle changes. They saw the familiar smile, the determined glint in his eyes, and assumed that all was well. Even All Might, the symbol of peace and his mentor, failed to notice the cracks that ran deep beneath Izuku's facade.

But there were two boys who saw beyond the mask. Tamaki Amajiki, a reserved student from Class 3-A, and Hitoshi Shinsou, the enigmatic hero-in-training from General Studies, sensed Izuku's inner turmoil. They saw the exhaustion etched into his features, the haunted look in his eyes.

Tamaki, with his own struggles with anxiety and self-doubt, recognized the signs. He observed Izuku's dwindling appetite and the way he pushed himself beyond his limits, trying to hide his pain. Deep down, Tamaki understood the weight of carrying one's burdens in silence.

Shinsou, too, saw through the facade. His sharp intuition and keen perception allowed him to glimpse the turmoil within Izuku's soul. He noticed the dark circles under his eyes, evidence of sleepless nights spent battling his inner demons. Shinsou knew the loneliness that came with suffering silently, and he vowed not to let Izuku face it alone.

But reaching out to Izuku was not as simple as extending a helping hand. Izuku had grown skilled at concealing his struggles, fearing that burdening others would only deepen his isolation. He couldn't fathom the idea of becoming someone else's problem.

Undeterred, Tamaki and Shinsou approached Izuku cautiously, their intentions shrouded in empathy and genuine concern. They spoke in quiet tones, offering their support without prying or pressing for answers. They wanted Izuku to know that they were there, that they saw his pain and were willing to share the burden.

Izuku's initial response was guarded. He didn't want to burden others with his problems, convinced that they had their own battles to fight. But Tamaki and Shinsou persisted, their unwavering presence slowly chipping away at Izuku's defenses.

Tamaki shared his own journey, the struggles he faced and the healing he found in the kindness of others. Shinsou, too, revealed his past, recounting the moments of isolation that had once consumed him. Their stories resonated with Izuku, stirring a glimmer of hope within his weary heart.

Together, they formed an unspoken pact, a bond forged through shared understanding and the desire to lift one another up. Tamaki and Shinsou became pillars of support, offering a safe space for Izuku to be vulnerable and find solace in their presence.

As the days turned into weeks, Izuku's burden gradually became lighter. Tamaki and Shinsou were there to listen, to lend a helping hand, and to remind him that he was not alone in his struggles. Their support became his lifeline, slowly pulling him out of the depths of despair.

And while the road to recovery was long and winding, Izuku found solace in the knowledge that he didn't have to face it alone. With Tamaki and Shinsou by his side, he discovered the power of connection, of allowing others to share in his pain and help him bear the weight.

Through their unconditional support, Izuku learned that asking for help wasn't a burden but an act of strength. And as his mental health improved, his appetite gradually returned, and his sleep patterns began to stabilize. The journey wasn't without setbacks, but Tamaki and Shinsou remained steadfast, providing a sense of stability and understanding that Izuku desperately needed.

Slowly, the rest of their classmates began to notice the change in Izuku. They saw the glimmers of joy in his eyes, the gradual return of his appetite, and his newfound ability to rest more peacefully. They couldn't quite put their finger on what had shifted, but they knew something had changed.

All Might, too, finally began to sense a shift in Izuku's demeanor. The weight of his mentor's expectations still loomed, but now there was a flicker of concern in his eyes. He realized that he had missed the signs, that he had failed to be the support Izuku needed during his darkest moments.

One day, after a particularly grueling training session, All Might pulled Izuku aside. His voice was gentle, filled with remorse and understanding. "Izuku, I... I see now that I've overlooked your struggles. I'm sorry for not being there when you needed me."

Izuku's gaze met All Might's, a mix of relief and vulnerability shining in his eyes. "It's okay, All Might. I know you have your own battles to fight. I've found support from unexpected sources."

All Might nodded, a somber expression on his face. "But that doesn't excuse my lack of awareness. As your mentor, it's my responsibility to guide you, not just in heroics, but in life. I promise to be more observant and supportive from now on."

The weight of All Might's apology lifted a burden from Izuku's shoulders. It was a step toward healing their fractured relationship and rebuilding the trust that had been strained.

In the days that followed, Izuku's journey of healing continued with the unwavering support of Tamaki and Shinsou. They became his confidants, his friends, and his pillars of strength. They reminded him that his struggles didn't define him and that he deserved love and support just as much as anyone else.

Together, they faced the challenges that lay ahead. They celebrated the small victories, the moments of respite, and the glimmers of hope that began to emerge. It wasn't an easy road, but with each step forward, Izuku grew stronger and more resilient.

And as the days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, Izuku's transformation became evident to all. His classmates marveled at the newfound lightness in his step, the genuine smile that graced his lips. They witnessed the power of compassion and friendship, the transformative effect it had on someone who had once felt invisible.

Tamaki and Shinsou never stopped being there for Izuku. They continued to offer support, even as their own journeys of healing unfolded. Through their collective strength, they formed an unbreakable bond, a testament to the power of empathy and understanding.

In the end, Izuku's struggles became a catalyst for growth, not just for himself but for those around him. And while the scars remained, they served as a reminder of the battles fought and the strength found in vulnerability.

The story of Izuku Midoriya's slow-burning anguish was one of resilience, of finding light in the darkness, and of the profound impact that genuine support can have on a person's journey toward healing.

And as he looked back on his tumultuous past, Izuku realized that he had emerged stronger, not in spite of his struggles, but because of them.

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