Chapter 10

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Burdens of Strength

Aizawa Shouta, ever vigilant and perceptive, had noticed the subtle changes in his student Midoriya or so he called 'Problem Child' 's behavior. The normally bright and determined student had become withdrawn and distant, his smiles replaced by forced laughter. Aizawa couldn't ignore the signs of a troubled soul, and he made it his mission to reach out to the young hero-in-training.

One evening, after the rigorous training session, Aizawa called Izuku into his office. The stern expression on his face masked his genuine concern. Izuku entered the room, his guard already up, his eyes filled with a mixture of anxiety and apprehension.

"Problem Child, we need to talk," Aizawa began, his voice steady but gentle. "I've noticed that you've been struggling lately, both mentally and emotionally. I want to help."

Izuku's defenses instantly went up, his walls reinforced with a newfound determination. "I appreciate your concern, Aizawa-sensei, but I'm fine. There's nothing for you to worry about."

Aizawa sighed, his eyes piercing through Problem Child's facade. "Midoriya, I've been in your position before. I know what it's like to keep everything bottled up inside, to put on a brave face while crumbling on the inside. Trust me when I say that ignoring your problems won't make them go away."

Izuku's gaze wavered, torn between his desire to protect his vulnerabilities and his longing for someone to understand his pain. His voice trembled slightly as he spoke. "But what if... what if I burden you with my problems? What if you regret ever taking me in?"

Aizawa's heart ached at Izuku's words, the weight of his pain becoming evident. He took a step closer, his voice softer but filled with conviction. "Midoriya, you are not a burden. I chose to become your mentor because I believe in your potential. I'm here to guide and support you, not because it's my duty, but because I genuinely care."

Tears welled up in Izuku's eyes, his resolve crumbling. The fear of rejection mingled with the desperate need for understanding. Slowly, he let his guard down, allowing himself to be vulnerable in Aizawa's presence.

"I... I just don't know how to trust anymore," Izuku confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. "I've been hurt so many times that I'm scared to let anyone in. W-what if they see the darkness inside me and turn away?"

Aizawa's expression softened, his empathy shining through. He reached out, placing a comforting hand on Izuku's shoulder. "Midoriya, the darkness you carry doesn't define you. We all have our shadows. What matters is how we face them together."

Over the following weeks, Aizawa took small steps to earn Izuku's trust. He listened without judgment, offering a safe space for Izuku to express his fears and anxieties. Together, they explored techniques to manage stress and cultivate self-care habits.

But the road to healing was not without its challenges. Aizawa devised a training trial to help Izuku confront his deepest fears head-on. The trial was designed to push Izuku out of his comfort zone, to test his resilience and determination.

Izuku, however, viewed it as another test of his worthiness. He saw it as Aizawa's way of proving that he wasn't strong enough, that his struggles were a burden to be overcome. His guard shot back up, his insecurities threatening to engulf him once again.

Aizawa watched with a heavy heart as Izuku's walls grew higher, his spirit weighed down by the perceived expectations placed upon him. He could see the pain and doubt in Izuku's eyes, and it tore at his own resolve.

"Midoriya, I understand that this trial may seem daunting," Aizawa began, his voice filled with genuine concern. "But please believe me when I say that it is not a reflection of your worth. It's an opportunity for growth, a chance for you to prove to yourself that you are stronger than you think."

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