Chapter 13

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Shattered Expectations

Izuku Midoriya's heart sank as he ran through the empty streets, his breath ragged and his legs burning with exertion. He was late—late for another training session with All Might, the symbol of peace whom he admired and longed to impress. But no matter how hard he tried, it seemed that time was never on his side.

When Izuku finally arrived at the training grounds, he found All Might waiting, his expression a mix of disappointment and frustration. The weight of his mentor's disappointment bore down on Izuku's shoulders, and he could feel the sting of tears pricking at the corners of his eyes.

"All Might, I'm sorry," Izuku managed to gasp out, his voice choking with both exhaustion and sorrow. "I... I got held up."

But All Might's response was not one of understanding or compassion. Instead, it was harsh and unforgiving. "Young Midoriya, punctuality is a fundamental aspect of being a hero. You cannot afford to be late, even by a minute. This behavior is unacceptable."

The disappointment in All Might's voice cut through Izuku like a knife. It seemed that no matter how hard he tried, he could never meet the impossibly high standards set by his idol.

Days turned into weeks, and Izuku's late arrivals for training became a painful routine. Each time, All Might's disappointment grew, and he subjected Izuku to increasingly harsh punishments.

The punishments were grueling, pushing Izuku to his physical and emotional limits. They were meant to teach him a lesson, to instill in him the importance of punctuality and discipline. But instead of motivating him, they crushed his spirit further, leaving him feeling inadequate and unworthy.

One day, as Izuku stumbled through another punishing training session, his body aching and his heart heavy, he caught the gaze of Shouta Aizawa, also known as Eraserhead. Aizawa had been quietly observing from the sidelines, his sharp eyes filled with concern.

Aizawa, a hero known for his unorthodox methods and gruff exterior, had noticed the toll that All Might's harsh treatment was taking on his student. He saw the light within Midoriya dimming, replaced by self-doubt and a sense of unworthiness.

Determined to intervene, Aizawa approached Midoriya after the training session, his voice gentle but firm. "Midoriya, I've noticed what's been happening. This treatment is not right, and it's not how a mentor should treat their student. You deserve better."

Izuku, his eyes welling up with tears, could hardly believe that someone was finally acknowledging his pain. Aizawa's words cut through the fog of despair, offering a glimmer of hope.

Aizawa became Izuku's confidant, a safe haven where he could voice his frustrations and fears. Together, they analyzed the situation, dissecting the toxic dynamics that had taken hold of Izuku's training with All Might.

Aizawa reassured Izuku that his worth was not determined by All Might's harsh judgment. He reminded Izuku of his potential, his inherent strength, and his unwavering determination to become a hero.

With Aizawa's support, Izuku mustered the courage to confront All Might, to voice his concerns and express how deeply his mentor's treatment had wounded him. It was a difficult conversation, filled with raw emotion and vulnerability, but it was a necessary step towards healing.

All Might, confronted with the pain he had unknowingly inflicted upon his protege, was forced to reevaluate his teaching methods. He recognized the toll his disappointment had taken on Izuku and vowed to do better, to support Izuku in a healthier and more compassionate manner.

From that day forward, All Might made a concerted effort to acknowledge Izuku's efforts, to offer guidance instead of punishment, and to provide constructive feedback that would help him grow as a hero. He realized that his role as a mentor was not just about shaping Izuku's physical abilities, but also about nurturing his spirit and instilling confidence.

With Aizawa and All Might's combined support, Izuku slowly began to rebuild his shattered self-esteem. Their encouragement and belief in him ignited a spark of resilience within him that had been smothered for far too long.

As the days passed, Izuku's confidence grew. He embraced his training with renewed vigor, knowing that he had mentors who truly saw his potential and were there to guide him on his journey.

Aizawa's guidance and All Might's revised approach to mentoring helped Izuku find his voice. He learned to assert himself, to speak up when he felt mistreated or overlooked. No longer willing to accept harsh treatment, he stood up for himself and demanded to be treated with respect.

The transformation within Izuku did not go unnoticed by his classmates and peers. They saw the change in his demeanor, the newfound strength radiating from within him. And in their eyes, Izuku became a symbol of resilience and overcoming adversity.

Though the scars of All Might's harsh treatment remained, Izuku refused to let them define him. He channeled his pain into fuel, using it to drive his ambition and prove to himself and others that he was capable of greatness.

In time, Izuku not only excelled in his training but also became a source of inspiration for others who had faced similar hardships. His journey from a shattered and self-doubting individual to a hero who stood tall and fought for what was right resonated with many.

And as Izuku continued on his path, surrounded by mentors who believed in him and friends who supported him, he vowed to break the cycle of harshness and become a mentor himself someday. He would ensure that no aspiring hero would ever have to endure what he had experienced.

The scars on Izuku's heart served as a constant reminder of the struggles he had faced, but they no longer defined him. Instead, they became a source of strength, a reminder of his resilience and determination to rise above the challenges that came his way.

And in the end, Izuku Midoriya emerged not only as a hero but also as a beacon of hope, proving that with the right support and belief in oneself, even the deepest wounds could be healed.

Note: I'm Back!!!!! I was too busy with getting ready and performing my concerts, had not much time to post. my posting schedules will be weird as one day I'll post about 2 to 3 chatper or one day I'll just post 1 chapter only.

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