Chapter 7

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Shadows of Comfort

Context: Izuku midosiya is depressed. Shinsou helps and conforts him throughout hid battle in order to get better.


The weight of the world pressed heavily on Izuku Midoriya's shoulders as he trudged through the hallways of U.A. High School. His smile had faded, replaced by a haunting emptiness that seemed to consume him from within. The constant battles, the pressure to succeed, and the expectations he had placed on himself had taken their toll, leaving him feeling lost and alone.

Hitoshi Shinsou, an outsider like Izuku, had noticed the change in the green-haired boy. He had watched from a distance as Izuku's spirit dimmed, as the once-bright light within him flickered and threatened to go out completely. And as someone who had fought his own battles with darkness, Shinsou couldn't bear to see another suffer alone.

One day, Shinsou found Izuku sitting alone on a bench, his eyes distant and filled with despair. He took a deep breath, gathered his courage, and approached him cautiously. "Hey, Midoriya," he called softly.

Izuku glanced up, his eyes meeting Shinsou's, but there was no spark of recognition. He simply looked empty, as if he had lost his place in the world.

"Mind if I sit with you?" Shinsou asked, already taking a seat next to him without waiting for an answer.

Izuku shrugged, a small, disinterested gesture that spoke volumes about his state of mind. But Shinsou refused to be deterred. He knew what it was like to feel lost, to be swallowed by darkness, and he was determined to offer even the smallest glimmer of hope.

"I've been there, you know," Shinsou began quietly, his voice laced with empathy. "Feeling like you're drowning, like everything is falling apart. It's overwhelming."

Izuku's gaze shifted slightly, a flicker of curiosity crossing his features. It was the first sign of life Shinsou had seen from him in weeks.

"But you're not alone," Shinsou continued, his voice gentle yet firm. "There are people who care about you, who want to help. You don't have to fight this battle by yourself."

A mixture of emotions played across Izuku's face—sadness, longing, and a spark of hope. Shinsou recognized the longing for connection, the desperate need to be understood.

"You're not alone," Shinsou repeated, his voice filled with sincerity. "I'm here for you, Midoriya. We can face the shadows together."

For a brief moment, Izuku's gaze locked with Shinsou's, and the weight of the world seemed to lift ever so slightly. A tear rolled down Izuku's cheek, a silent testament to the pain he had been carrying alone.

And in that moment, Shinsou knew he had made a difference. He had reached through the darkness and touched Izuku's heart, offering a glimmer of solace amidst the chaos.

From that day forward, Shinsou became Izuku's ally, his confidant. He listened without judgment, offering a shoulder to lean on, and reminding him that there was strength in vulnerability. Slowly but surely, Izuku's smile began to resurface, and the shadows that had consumed him started to recede.

Their bond grew stronger, forged in the fires of their shared struggles. And as they faced the challenges together, Shinsou became Izuku's guiding light, showing him that even in the darkest of times, there was always a way to find hope.

Note: Hi!! Here is another Shindeku Platonic relationship oneshot. Hope you enjoyed!! And feel free to comment as long as they are not too offensive ;)

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