Chapter 20

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Title: Shadows of Solace

Fluff Shindeku~

It had been months since the fateful battle that changed everything for Izuku Midoriya. The weight of the past clung to him, pressing down on his spirit like an invisible anchor. Sleep had become a distant memory, and every bite of food felt like an insurmountable task.

His once vibrant green eyes now held shadows of exhaustion, and his usually cheerful demeanor had faded into a mere facade. Izuku's classmates noticed the change, but none seemed to understand the depths of his struggle—except for Hitoshi Shinsou.

Hitoshi had always been observant, his perceptive nature serving him well as a student of the Hero Course. And as he watched Izuku struggle silently, he couldn't ignore the gnawing concern that settled in his chest. He had seen the signs before—the hollowness in one's eyes, the fragile façade of normalcy. Hitoshi recognized the symptoms of a battle waged within.

One day, as the class gathered for their training exercises, Hitoshi approached Izuku discreetly, his voice filled with gentle concern. "Hey, Midoriya. Can we talk?"

Izuku glanced at him, a flicker of surprise crossing his face. It had been a while since someone had genuinely sought him out. "Uh, sure, Shinsou. What's up?"

They found a secluded corner of the training ground, away from prying eyes and curious ears. Hitoshi took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts before speaking. "I've noticed you've been struggling lately. Is everything okay?"

Izuku's smile faltered, his eyes darting away for a moment before meeting Hitoshi's gaze. "I'm... I'm just going through some things, Shinsou. It's nothing to worry about."

Hitoshi's brow furrowed, his concern deepening. "Izuku, I may not understand everything you're going through, but I can see that something's not right. You don't have to face it alone. Please, let me help."

Izuku's eyes glistened with unshed tears, a mixture of gratitude and vulnerability shining through. "You... you really want to help me?"

Hitoshi nodded, his voice soft but resolute. "Yes, Izuku. You don't have to bear this burden alone. I want to be there for you."

Days turned into weeks as Hitoshi devoted himself to understanding Izuku's struggles. He listened without judgment, offering a comforting presence in a world that seemed to crumble around them. He encouraged Izuku to seek professional help, to confide in those who were trained to guide him through the darkness. But despite their best efforts, progress came slowly, if at all.

Sleep remained elusive for Izuku, his nights haunted by nightmares that left him gasping for air, his heart pounding in his chest. Each meal became a battle of wills, with his body betraying him, unable to accept even the smallest morsels of sustenance. The toll on his physical and mental well-being grew more evident with each passing day.

Hitoshi watched with a heavy heart as Izuku's struggle intensified. He knew that he couldn't solve everything on his own, that professional help was necessary. So, he reached out to an unexpected ally—Neito Monoma.

Neito, despite his brash demeanor, possessed a surprising depth of understanding. Hitoshi knew that Neito had experienced his own share of hardships, and he believed that Neito's unique perspective could shed light on Izuku's pain.

Together, Hitoshi and Neito orchestrated a plan to support Izuku. They approached him one evening, finding him sitting alone,

The setting sun cast long shadows across the empty classroom, where Izuku sat hunched over his desk, lost in his thoughts. His face bore the weight of sleepless nights and missed meals, a reflection of the battles he fought within himself.

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