Breakfast Fiasco (Tony Stark)

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Today was your day off from work. Day offs are rare at your work so whenever you get one, you cherish every minute.
Tony knew this, that you were extremely stressed and when you finally got the day off, you had collapsed on the bed the night before.

He wanted to make your day extremely relaxing and stress free as much as possible.

So he decides make you breakfast in bed, but the only problem was he didn't know how to cook.

He could've asked one of the Avengers but his pride and ego were too big for that.

He started to put the eggs (without cracking it) in the pan. He then put some bacon strips in another pan beside it. "So far, so good" he mumbled and went to make toast.

And it all went downhill from that

He had accidentally burned the toast so he had to make them again. When he came back to check on the eggs, he saw it looked far from how you made sunny-sideup eggs for him.

He started question himself why it was still round and not flat like you made it when he smelled something burning. He checked the bacon and saw it was burnt and smoke crept its way to the fire alarm, activating it

He covered his ears as he turned of the stove and threw out the burnt bacon. It was around this time that Clint and Natasha had went to watch the arrogant billionare attempt to cook something atleast edible while drinking coffee.

"Stark, I think you may need-" he cut off Clint with a "shut up, I know what I'm doing" and continued to watch the eggs.

"Tony?" He froze when he heard your sleepy voice
" (y/n)? Up so soon?" Tony asked trying to cover up the eggs
"Yeah, i heard the fire alarm go off. Were you making another....crazy experiment" you asked
"A crazy cooking experiment" Clint mumbled from behind the counter
"Shut up Barton" Tony shot back
"Really Tony, what's behind you" you say going towards the stove and saw eggs and burnt bacon in the trash
"Who you cooking for Tony? Is James (Rhodey) coming?" You ask
"Um no dear I can explain-" He was cut off by Clint's nagging
"He was trying to make breakfast for you (y/n). Who would've thought that oh so tough Tony Stark was a softie" Clint teased
"When did you get so annoying Barton?" Tony said glaring at him
"It's in my blood, what can you expect?" Clint replied taking a sip of coffee
"Aww come here Tony" you say giving him a hug
"Now let's make breakfast together, shall we?" You say grabbing a new set of eggs and the leftover uncooked bacon strips

*ten minutes later*

"This tastes better than what Stark could've made" Natasha said chewing on the bacon
"Yeah, it tastes good (y/n). As always" Steve said smiling at you
"My pleasure" you say and gave a little bow. You finished the last of your toast and stood up.
"Now, I have a kitchen to clean. Thanks to Tony" you say glaring at him jokingly
"How was I supposed to crack the eggs without breaking them completely? ITS IMPOSSIBLE" He says defending himself
"Uh huh, what ever floats your boat" You say heading towards the kitchen
"Love you too hun" Tony says following you to help you clean up the breakfast fiasco he had caused

A/N That was crap guys, I'm sorry

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