Don't Leave Me, Please (Bruce Banner)

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Warning: kind of sad
From: Brucie
Hey (y/n), gonna take you out to dinner tonight. Dress nice, pick you up at seven :)
(Sent 3:09 pm)
From: Brucie
Babe, is something wrong? Why are you not answering?
(Sent 3:17 pm)
From: Brucie
Called you ten times now and you're not answering. Call me when you see this
(Sent 3:43 pm)
From: Brucie
You're starting to worry me (y/n)
(Sent 4:19 pm)
From: Brucie
Just came from your house, seems like you weren't there. Your car wasn't in the driveway.
(Sent 4:56 pm)

Bruce sat anxiously on the sofa, staring anxiously at his phone. He had been waiting for his phone to ring and hoping that it might be from you, explaining that you had just ran an errand or something. It has been 30 minutes since his last text and he was on the edge of his seat. His phone suddenly rang, he immediately answered. He was expecting to hear your voice but heard Tony's instead. "Hey Bruce, wanna go out for shawarma? We haven't hung out in a long time" Tony's cheery voice peeved Bruce "not now Tony, I'm waiting for (y/n) to contact me" Bruce said and tried to keep calm
"Oh, she's not with you? You two lovebirds are usually together" Tony said questioningly "no Tony she's not and it's starting to worry me" Bruce replied "don't worry Bruce, I'm sure she's just frolicking around with her friends or something" Tony said in a comforting voice "Thank Tony, I gotta go. Someone's calling me" Bruce said and ended Tony's call and answered the next.

"Is this Dr. Banner?" The girl on the phone asked "yes, may I ask who's calling?" Bruce asked "I'm Louise and I'm calling from the New Jersey Hospital (a/n made up)" she replied in a not so cheery voice. Bruce was kind of startled by this "what happened?" Bruce asked unsure if he wanted to know or not "(y/n) (y/l/n) was involved in a severe car to train accident. You were the person to contact in her emergency contacts. She is in surgery right now" She replied. Bruce felt dizzy and tried to keep his calm "thanks, I'm on my way" Bruce said and ended the call. He wiped the forming tears from his eyes and ran to his car.

He sped to the hospital, breaking a lot of traffic laws. He didn't care at this point because all he cared about right now was you.

Once he reached the hospital, he ran inside and asked for you. They led him to the waiting area of the operating room and was being informed of the situation. You had reached a train crossing and the light was green, so you went straight but you didn't know of the train coming straight at you. The stoplight was broken and Bruce got mad at this and almost hulked out but the nurse was able to calm him down.

Just then, one of the doors opened and out came the head surgeon and Bruce stands up, waiting for any news about his girlfriend. He looks at Bruce and then looks down shaking his head. Bruce also being a doctor knew that this meant dead. Bruce felt weak at the knees and stumbled. He broke into sobs and the nurse was calming him down again. "Don't leave me (y/n). Don't leave me please" he mumbled and sobbed some more. He then ran out of the hospital and towards his car. He took out the ring from his pocket and threw it in a random place and leaned towards his car. He was supposed to ask you to be Mrs. Banner but the stupid traffic light ruined it. Now he couldn't ask you at all.

A/N idek why I wrote this 😕 its kinda sad. Anyways i hope you at least kind of liked it. All the 💖 -Cassie

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