Love War (Steve Rogers/Tony Stark)

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You sat at your desk in the library of the newly built Avengers Tower, typing the report that Fury forced you to make.

You looked over to your laptop screen, noticing someone behind you from the reflection.

You turned around to see a grinning Steve with his hands in his pockets

"How can I help you Cap?" You ask

"Oh nothing, I was just wondering if you're free tonight. There's this new burger place in town and I wanted to try it" He looked at you with hope in his eyes

"Yeah, as soon as I finish this report I'll call you okay?" You reply smiling

"Great, so I must be going now" He said smiling

"Sure, see you later Steven" You smile back and went back to work.

He walked out, smiling to himself.


You walked slowly towards the lab, who knows what was going in there right now.

Considering that there are flashing lights coming from inside, you decided that you would keep your distance until you thought it was safe

You opened the door of the lab, after hacking the lock.

He had his back facing you. He was working on his Iron Man suit with ACDC blasting in the background. Bruce was just sitting quietly in his side of the lab.

You walked towards him slowly, in hopes to surprise him.

Bruce smirked as he watched you try to scare Tony.

You got a wrench and hid behind Bruce's table, then threw it beside Tony.

Tony jumped as the wrench made a clanging sound. He glared at Bruce

"Jarvis, cut the music" He said and walked towards Bruce

"It wasn't me, I swear" Bruce smirked

"Oh yeah, then who? There's only two of us here and I locked the door" He replied.

You slowly moved away from the table and snuck to Tony's table. You got the wrench and hid again. You threw it at Tony,hitting his shin.

"What the hell?!" He screamed and looked behind him, seeing nothing. He walked towards the table with the wrench.

"Bruce I think our lab is haunted" He mumbled to Bruce.

"Haunted by your worst nightmare" you shout and jumped on him.

You never heard a scream louder than Tony's at that moment

"(Y/N)! Don't do that!" He said breathing heavily.

"Scaredy-Cat" you mumbled jumping off his back.

"I just needed to borrow a screwdriver and some screws to fix my desk, but I decided it would be more fun to mess with you" you smirk

"Whatever, go get what you need" He said going back to work.

You grabbed the set of screwdrivers and a bunch of screws.

"(Y/N) wait!" Tony calls

"Yeah?" You ask with a smile

"I was wondering if we could hangout later, at that new burger place" Tony asked with a grin.

Your eyes widened, that's where Steve was taking you

"Sorry Tony, but I have to do something later. Don't worry, I'll make up for it" you gave a sad smile and forced yourself to turn away from his sad face.

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