I'm Sorry (Bucky Barnes)

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You are a very light sleeper.

Even the smallest of noise could wake you up, so it was reasonable that you woke up at the mumbling coming from the room next to yours.

You checked your clock, reading it. "3:48 am, what's up with you Buck?" You mumbled to yourself, sitting up.

You got out of your blanket cocoon and stood up to head towards Bucky's room

You knocked softly and opened his door. You spotted him facing the wall, his back turned to you

He was mumbling something you couldn't understand

"Buck? You alright?" You ask walking slowly towards him

When he didn't answer, you knelt beside him

You put a hand on his shoulder in attempt to calm him

"Buck-" You got cut off by him suddenly grabbing your arm

"Don't fucking touch me" He says facing you, his eyes dark

"Buck this isn't you, fight it" You say softly, trying to get him to his senses

He twisted your arm behind your back which made you whimper in pain

"F.R.I.D.A.Y, get Steve please! Hurry!" You say, trying to hold back anymore screams of pain

"Right away, miss" She answered

"Buck, we're a couple. You're my boyfriend" You say in hopes of getting him to snap out of it

"Shut up! I don't care about you!" He says punching you in the face, causing you to fall.

You recovered and went to kick him in the face. He grabbed your ankle before it could hit him

He spun you by your foot and he let go, throwing you towards his dresser

You hit his mirror and shattered it, pieces falling all over you. He ran towards the door

You stand up quickly, grabbing his hand and pressing your lips against his. He cut you off by pushing you off him and pinning you to the wall. He started choking you with his metal arm

"You are a threat to me" He says looking you straight into your eyes, starting to lift you into the air by your neck, you continuously trying to breath in air but failing

You felt your lungs loosing air as your airway was blocked by the strength of his hand

You start to feel woozy and black spots appear in your vision

"Bucky" You try to say "Fight it"

You barely made out Steve's figure running in and punching Bucky in the face, causing him to drop you, who was wheezing and greedily trying to get air into your lungs

You heard Bucky calling your name right before you blacked out


Bucky was frozen in place at what he had just done

Steve picked you up and rushed you to the infirmary of the tower, Bucky immediately following. He called Bruce for help and checked your pulse.

He sighed in relief when he felt one but was even more worried because it was weak.

Bruce instructed him to lay you down on the bed, so he did, and then went to Bucky, sat still outside of the infirmary, thinking about what had just happened

Did he really mean to do that? No

Was he extremely stupid? Yes

"I promised to protect her with my life" he mumbled to Steve "And now I'm the reason she's battling between life and death. I promised her that she will always be safe with me and now I fucked up" He rubbed his face with his human arm, his tears threatening to fall

Steve couldn't say anything to comfort him, so he gave him a supportive pat on the back

After an hour, which seemed like an eternity to Bucky, Bruce finally came out of the infirmary

Bucky immediately stood up and looked at him with hopeful eyes

"Is she okay?" He asked with a strained voice "Can I see her?"

"She stable, but she can't breathe on her own as of the moment" Bruce removed his glasses "She's awake, you can go see her now"

As soon as Bruce said those words, he ran into the infirmary, leaving Steve to talk with Bruce about your condition

He saw that your neck was bruising and swelling and you had a breathing cannula, making him feel even more guilty

You looked at him as he entered, your vision still a little hazy

"(Y/N) I'm so sorry, I didn't want this to happen. If you can't forgive then I understand, but please just know I'm sorry" He started taking really fast and it was making your head hurt

You held up your hand to make him stop

"Buck, please stop talking" You forced out with a hoarse voice because you found it hard to speak

He stopped and looked at you, his eyes glistening with tears

"It's not your fault" You pause, getting in enough air to speak again

"That wasn't you, I know you would never do that to me on purpose" You sucked in a large amount of air

"But (Y/N)-" You cut him off by holding your finger to his lips

"I forgive you" You say, giving him a small smile

He wiped his tears away and smiled back at you

"Thanks (Y/N), But I'll still be the one to nurse you back to health" He says kissing your hand

"Do better" You joke and winked

He got the message and grinned before kissing you on the lips

Around this time, Steve entered

"How are you (Y/N)-whoa okay bad time to enter" He says as soon as he sees you both, shielding his eyes and leaving "Sorry, you can continue now" He says with his hand still over his eyes and heading out

You and Bucky pulled away and he laughed

"The little punk" he mumbled smirking

You smiled at him and he kissed you again, this time the certain Super Soldier not interrupting you


A/N Hey Pizzas! Listen, I have a valid excuse as to why this isn't a celebration chapter like I promised and why I wasn't diligent enough to publish this three months ago. So first reason: Stressed as hell. School is coming to an end where I live and I'm super stressed because of all of the things I have to submit and all the exams I have to take. Second: This isn't a celebratory chapter but it's my very good friend's birthday today! SO I give a shout out to Andyy_23_XD! *waves excitedly* Wish her a happy birthday guys! haha :) anyways, it's summer break next week for me so expect a lot of updates coming very soooooon! Won't be active for the rest of the week though bc exams but you guys can still request! Sorry again Pizzas! I love you all and thanks for the continuous support. All the <3 -Cassie

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