Nightmares (Vision)

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You wipe another tear that slid down your face as you looked onto the New York skyline. It was 2:00 am but you clearly weren't gonna get any sleep in the next few hours because of your nightmare.

Your grandfather, who you were very close to, had died a few days ago because of an illness you dont even want to remember. And in the nightmare, it was you who had killed him even if you knew you didn't and couldn't do such thing because you were in New York and he was in (y/hometown).

You were to leave in a few days to attend the funeral. You leaned against the glass of the Avengers tower and just sobbed.

You felt someone else's presence in the room as you proceeded to wipe the tears away.
"Are you alright (y/n)" you recognized the voice to be Vision's
"Yeah, just peachy" you reply not looking at him. He crouched down in front of you and patted your shoulder
"It's late, you should probably go rest" he says holding his hand out for you to take.
You looked out at the skyline again and sighed "I can't-" you manage to say before tears start running down your face.
You felt Vision's hand wipe away your tears and carries you bridal style. He starts to float as both of you head towards your room. He lays you down softly on the bed before noticing you were asleep and stares at you. He smirks and heads out, whispering a goodnight and shutting your door.

A/N my writing seems to be getting crappier
Oh well, i guess the fact that school starts next week is getting to me
Thanks anyway for the votes guys! I followed some of you if you didn't notice. You guys know who you are!
Lots o love :)

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