Photograph (Pietro Maximoff)

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You felt tears forming as you held the photo.

It was of you and Pietro

We keep this love in a photograph

That day, you were hanging out with Pietro, Wanda, Clint and Steve at a field just outside town.

You had climbed up a tree to get a better view of the mesmerizing sunset and Pietro followed.

You sat on the branch, watching the sunset, while Pietro stared at you.

Clint took the picture as blackmail because you two weren't a thing.

Pietro admitted his feelings for you in that tree

But now, that moment is just a memory

We make these memories for ourselves

A memory where you wanted to return to so desperately.

Where our eyes are never closing, hearts are never broken and time's forever frozen still

You remember when you got the call. It was from Clint. They had went on a mission but unfortunately, Pietro was captured.

You were so jealous of yourself in the picture. Where your heart wasn't broken.

So you can keep me inside the pocket of your ripped jeans

You sighed as you folded up the picture again and put it in your pocket. You were about to go on a mission to find Pietro. You'd do anything to find your boyfriend again.

You got a message so you opened your phone. The lockscreen was of you and Pietro,looking at the camera while eating ice cream.

Holding me closer til our eyes meet

You stared at Pietro in the picture, those eyes you feel like you haven't looked at enough. You miss those blue eyes that you could stare at forever.

You wont ever feel alone

You know that you'll find him. Maybe tonight, you won't be alone in bed. Maybe tonight, you won't feel alone.

You hold on to your locket, as a tear slid down your face. It was half of a heart, Pietro had the other.


"(Y/N) I'll be fine. I'll be back in two days. Just wait for me to come home and we will spend the day together. We'll even convince Stark to buy us pizzas" he says kissing your forehead

"Two days is a long time though" you say pouting

"Here, I have something for you" he says going behind you. You feel a cool chain on your neck.

You look at it to see a locket on the shape of half of a heart. You open it to see Pietro, supposedly looking at you. But the thing is, you aren't in the picture.

"I have the other half. That is where you are. This necklace should give you hope that I'll come back to connect the necklaces again, because my heart isn't complete without you" he says as he brings out his from his sweatshirt

He returns it and hugs you

"I'll be back soon (Y/N). I'll come home sooner than you think" he says and lets go. He kisses you for a moment and pulls away

He waves as he jogs towards the jet

"See you in two days (Y/N)!" He shouts as he closes the jet door

"See you soon, Pietro" you say sadly


"Pietro, it's been a week. Where are you?" You whisper

"Please come home soon Pietro. I can't live without you" you add, looking at the locket

Recieving no reply, you stand up and wipe the tear away. You get ready to go on the jet.

It was then you thought you heard Pietro whispering in your ear

Wait for me to come home



Anyways, it's exam week. I need to go study now. Hope you enjoyed that short and sad imagine. I might update a Bruce one on Thursday but no promises yet.

I wanna mention Andyy_23_XD for being an angel and helping me whenever needed. Go read her book "How to write a song" if you are an aspiring song writer. Trust me, she's a good one.

All the love

*UPDATE*: I finally found the locket I was talking about haha bye

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