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Steve couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"What is this?" He asked (Y/N) who was on the beanbag.

"That's the movie they made of you guys. It's called The Avengers" She answered grinning

"But how do they know our story so well?" Clint asked from behind her

"I don't know, Laia was one who suggested it, why don't you ask her" (Y/N) gestured to the dark haired girl beside Clint.

"It was trending" Laia answered nonchalantly as she ate her sandwhich.

Clint eyed the sandwhich, hunger evident in his eyes, and grabbed it from Laia. She looked at him shocked, as Clint devoured the half eaten sandwhich.

"Tony, go make me another sandwhich" Laia commanded the man beside her.

"And why would I do that?" Tony replied staring at her "I'll disarm all your suits" She threatened "Oh fine!" Tony says standing up and walking to the kitchen.

He opened the kitchen door and saw Cassie with another girl, eating oreos.

"Oh hey Tony, welcome to my humble abode!" Cassie grinned

"This is the kitchen" Tony pointed out "and who's this?" He asked pointing at the other girl, who was wearing a bright orange beanie.

"Oh this is Dottie, my cousin. She's still searching for her main fandom so she visited" Cassie introduced as Dottie waved

"okay then" Tony shook his head and went to make Laia's sandwhich.

(Y/N) suddenly came running in. "Tony! Cassie! You guys gotta see this" She screamed as she dragged them out

"You too other girl!" She shouted so Dottie would follow.

Dottie laughed at the sight infront of her.

"What happened?" Cassie asked, laughing.

Somehow Bucky's hoodie got stuck on the ceiling fan as it was spinning.

"Someone get me down please" He asked nervously.

Steve kept laughing as he switched the fan speed to 3.

"You're such a jerk Rogers" Bucky said as the fan spun faster.

Bucky then flew from the fan and onto a sleeping Andrea on the floor

"damn Bucky, you're heavy" she grumbled as she tried to push the man off of her. "Language my dear" Bucky grinned at her.

Everyone was laughing so hard, they couldn't breathe.

Suddenly, Thor appeared beside Tony. "I have come with food for consumption my friends!" He said in his booming voice.

"Did someone say food?" Someone asked from the door "who are you?" Natasha asked

"I'm the other Andrea" She replied boredly and came in

"Now I'm looking for a certain speedster who stole my cookies" She squinted at everyone.

Cassie stopped munching on the oreos and took a look at the label.

Andrea's Oreos: Touch it and you die.

"Seriously Pietro" She grumbled.

"I'm gonna kill your brother Wanda, it's on my bucket list" Cassie whispered to Wanda.

"Don't kill him again! It's too soon!" (Y/N) shouted from the other side of the room

"You just brought him back and you plan on killing him again?" Andrea asked in disbelief

"If he gives me more of your cookies then yes I will" Cassie said handing her the half eaten pack of oreos.

"PIETRO MAXIMOFF" Andrea ran back outside. "So what happens now?" Steve asked "Now we watch more marvel movies, I've got Age of Ultron here" Cassie declared as she brought out the box from her backpack. "Age of Ultron?" Wanda asked

"Yeah" Cassie nodded


"Cassie!" (Y/N) screamed.

Cassie jolted awake and wiped the drool off her face.

She looked at the laptop screen to see that she was typing an imagine. So it was all a dream. Cassie rubbed her eyes and read the last sentence she typed

"Tony screamed at your name to get some" she mumbled. (Y/N) just stared at her

"What the hell Cassie, you write the weirdest things" (Y/N) shook her head.

Then, she remembered that she was there for a reason.

"Cassie!!" She exclaimed "What is it?" Cassie asked.

"We'll be late for the meet and greet!" (Y/N) said grabbing her arm.

"Wait I need to save this first" Cassie says restraining her arm so she could save it. "You are not publishing that!" (Y/N) retorted and pulled Cassie out of her bedroom.

Laia and Andrea sat on the couch, watching Age of Ultron. "There you are!" Laia exclaimed and stood up. "We've been waiting for 2 hours!" Andrea added

"Sorry guys, I fell asleep" Cassie said, grabbing her jacket. "Let's go"

And so, the four of them headed out the door.


(A/N) Hey Pizzas! Can we all just pretend it's May 27 today? Hehehe

I couldn't publish it on the exact date because my relatives stayed with us for 2 weeks. It wasn't finished on the real anniversary (May 27) and I couldn't find the time to finish it because I had to entertain them to no end (ugh).

I was only able to type it today since my relatives left yesterday. This isn't actually finished yet, I have yet to type a part 2. Sorry Guys! Hope you understand hehe.

So on the topic of the Anniversary, Thank you all for sticking with me for 1 year! (and 9 days yay!) I can't believe how many reads I have gained over the year. You guys continued to support me even tho ugh I only published 25 imagines in the span of 1 year. That's like very small compared to other authors. I'm cringing at my being a crap author. *laughs sadly* Thanks guys for always understanding when I couldn't publish anything because of stress. I'm gonna try to do a spam update within the week to make up for it. :) 

Special thanks to those who comment nice things, which always make my day. (You guys know who you are).

I love you all and I wish I could give you all a tight hug. You guys continue to inspire me with your votes and comments (especially when you guys get my jokes and references yay!).

You guys are all amazing, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

I love you all! God bless you always!

Thanks for all you've done during the 1 year of existence of Avengers Imagines

Bye Pizzas!

(I'm gonna try to be a better author now. Hehe sorry guys)

Shout out to the people I included in this chapter :)





@(your/name) :)

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