I Hate That I Can't Hate You (Clint Barton)

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*you're friends with Natasha and Steve here

You hated Clint Barton

You hated him more than your life.

Ever since you had first entered SHIELD and trained to become an agent, Clint had started to torment you. He always teased you but you had sassy comebacks to shoot back at him.

One day, you were preparing to go on a mission with Natasha. You and Natasha were to blow up or destroy another Hydra base and at the same time, find anything useful.

When you got to the quinjet, you saw Director Fury standing near the jet.

"Good morning director" you say nodding in greeting

"(L/N). Romanoff's out today 'cause she's sick" He said

"I'm not doing the mission on my own right?" you ask raising an eyebrow

"Nope, you can't do this mission alone. So Barton is filling in for her" He says

"Barton?" you ask in disbelief

"Yeah, got a problem with that (L/N)?" Clint asked and rested an arm on your shoulder. He looked like he had just come from the gym

"Yeah and I'd appreciate it if you removed your sweaty arm from my shoulder" you say pushing it off

"Someone's cranky" he mumbles and enters the jet

"He's a good man, (Y/N) but just finish this mission and I'll make sure he gets out of your way" Director Fury says while he patted your back and he walked away

"Yeah right. Like he'll even" you mumbled and rolled your eyes

This was gonna be a fun trip...


You were in charge of flying the jet and Clint was the co-pilot

You flew over an ocean and then swiftly drove around some mountains

At this point, Clint had already turned on his music player and turned up the volume unbearably loud

"Turn it down, birdbrain!" you shouted over the loud music

"I can't focus!" you added while you dodged an upcoming mountain

"Birdbrain? Well at least I have a brain!" He said smirking

"Well it's the size of a bird. At least mine's the normal size" you reply, looking at him

"Well—(Y/N) LOOK OUT!" Clint shouts and look in front again to see a huge mountain coming in view

You try to swerve and dodge it but it was beyond your control

You braced yourself for the impact and Clint wrapped his arms around you

Then you blacked out


You opened your eyes to white walls

Your sight was still blurry and you couldn't see clearly

"(Y/N)?" You hear someone call you

"Clint?" you mumble with a hoarse voice

"No (Y/N) it's Steve, you were out for a week" He says as he comes in view

"I'll go call a nurse" he adds and presses the call button and informs them that you're awake

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