Snowballs (Avengers)

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You woke up to the snoring contest Thor, Clint and Tony were having.

You sat up and looked around to see that you were in the lounge room of one of Stark's mansions and saw beer bottles and popcorn kernels on the floor

"Ugh what happened?" Natasha asked no one in general, sitting up on the couch where you were currently sitting.

"I don't know, we must've partied hard last night" you mumble yawning

Next to wake up was Steve. He brushed off the stray popcorn kernels off his shirt.

You got up and started cleaning up the beer bottles, Steve helping you. Bruce and Pietro were woken up when you accidentally dropped a beer bottle

"Keep it down, will you (y/n). My head's pounding" Pietro groaned and snuggled into his blanket

"What time is it?" Bruce asked yawning

Then you realize something and went to the kitchen to get a pan and a wooden spoon

"It's currently time for eveyone to be awake BECAUSE ITS CHRISTMAS!" You shout and bang the pots. Steve, Natasha and Bruce were unaffected because they had covered their ears before you started banging the pan and spoon together.

Everyone suddenly woke up and glared at you whilst you smiled sheepishly (<--- What does this even mean? Oh well I'm using it) "Well it's Christmas Eve and it's all your fault for sleeping till 11:30" you reason out

"Finally my question is answered" Bruce mumbled

"So come on guys! It's snowing" You say standing and starting to wear your winter coat, not caring that you were still in your pajamas

"Do we have to?" Tony whines

"Your not 10 years old Stark, stop whining" you say grabbing everyones winter coats and tossing it to them

"Okay so I call a snowball fight" you start opening the door leading to the backyard

"Team Captains are Nat and I" you announce and Natasha nods

"I call Clint, Steve, Pietro and Bruce" you say

"The rest are mine then" Nat says nodding at her teammates

"5 minutes to prepare your forts, let's go!" You say and run to one side of the backyard

"Okay Clint and Steve, make snowballs and make some big ones" you begin "Pietro, Bruce, you guys help me make a fort" you add and start making a wall

After the 5 minutes have passed, you call to the other team

"Prepare to go down losers!" You half-laugh and half-mock

"Think your talking to yourself (Y/N)" Natasha smirks and grabs a snowball.

She aims it at you but you duck as it flew over you

"Clint, throw one back at Natasha quick!" You command and he does so, laughing when it hit square on her face

"You shouldn't have done that Barton, Stark?" She calls

"Yes ma'am" Tony mock salutes and Thor, Wanda, Vision and him throw snowballs at your direction

"Oh they came prepared, show 'em what we got Pietro" you say and he nods, throwing snowball after snowball

Soon the snowballs of both teams soon ran out

"Surrender together?" You ask Natasha, you secretly had a plan

"Yeah" Natasha nods but you and Pietro throw a giant snowball at her

"Oh you are so getting it (Y/N)!" She shouts chasing you

" chocolate?" Bruce asks the others while they all watch you and Natasha fight like 5 year olds (well 5 year olds who know hand to hand combat)

"Sure" Tony agrees as they all go inside, leaving you and Natasha fighting continuously.


A/N this was supposed to be published yesterday when it was still Christmas Eve but oh well. Hope you enjoyed that! Merry Christmas my pizzas! (Calling you guys that from now on)

All the Christmas love

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