Looks Just Like Me (Steve Rogers)

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A/n I am quite aware that this is my third Steve imagine but it's mah baby dorito's birthday today! 😍 Happy Birthday Christopher 😄

"It is a very special day for all you Evansoldiers out there because today is Chris Evan's birthday" Jimmy Fallon stated as Steve watched intently. "As he is very special to the company and myself, We would like to personally wish him a happy birthday and I'm sure you all do too! So here we have, Christopher Evans!" He stated as Chris became visible on tv. "Whatdya watching there Stevie?" You ask plopping down next to him on the couch. "I believe his name was Jimmy Fallon" he replies unsurely "and he's interviewing a guy that looks just like me" he adds as you look at the tv "oh, he's the actor for a movie they made of you" you say in realization "they made a movie of me?" He asks shocked "they're actually working on the third one right now" you say as he stares at you "you have a lot to catch up on Rogers" you say as you grab the remote and watched The First Avenger with him.
2 Movies Later
"How exactly do they know my story so well?" Steve asked "well, your Captain fricking America! Who doesn't know your story" you say laughing and he just stares at the credits
"You're such a dork" you say as you pinch his nose
"But that's why you love me" he said
You grab his face and kissed his lips
"Exactly" you say and kiss him again

A/N so guys this was short because i just wanted a tribute imagine to Chris fricking Evans. @The_Squish I'll make your imagine soon :) okay bye -Cassie 😎

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