At school part 1

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This is just after they fix the BI so they still go hexside. They're all two years older or smt (Luz, Amity, Vee, Masha, Willow-17, Gus-14, Matt-15, Hunter-18) but it really doesn't matter to the story. Vee doesn't go to school with them because she's still scared to go to the BI. Hunter's in all the tracks. Matt is omnisexual with a preference to guys, Gus is bi, Vee is bi, Masha is lesbian and Luz, Amity, Hunter and Willow already have canon sexualities.

----Hunter POV because third person sucks----

I arrive at school. Have been attending hexside for about a month now but it still feels really new after never going to a proper school my whole life. I'm lucky to have made such good friends before going to school because a first day would have been so much worse without them. It would have been better if I didn't have the notorious reputation as the golden guard, but I can't change the past so I focus on changing the present. My future.

I walk up to my locker and I see Amity and Luz giggling more than usual at their lockers beside me. "What's going on?" I ask which makes them jump in surprise at my presence.

"HUNTER! You scared me!" Luz exclaimed.

I repeat my question "What's going on?" There obliviously was something going on because they were both acting very unusual in an unusual way.

"We're just excited for this weekend, you know? It's been a while since we've all hung out as a group and we're both really looking forward to it!"

I could tell Luz was lying but I didn't press it any further because it was almost class time I really didn't want to be late.

----Matt POV----

I enter illusions class and I see Gus waving me over. It's been a while since I transferred to illusions but because of all the Belos, day of unity and collector stuff I never really got to actually go to illusions class very much. I think the biggest motive for me joining was Gus. We've been friends since we started going to help out at the looking-glass grave yard on the weekends. I'm sad I'll miss it next weekend but I got invited to a hangout with Gus and the rest of his friends so that makes up for it.

I sit down next to Gus at the back of the room. And we talk for a bit before class starts. I think I really like Gus. He's my best friend so I don't want my stupid feelings getting in the way of that. I don't want to lose him because I do or say something stupid and he doesn't feel the same. After all, who would want to date me? Not Gus. I was a bully to him before we became friends and so he'll never like me back. My thoughts are interrupted my a familiar voice.

"Um, Matty?" Gus asked which snapped me out of my daze.

I started blushing horrible for two reasons. One, Gus called me 'Matty'. Two, I had been staring at him while I was thinking! "I AM SO SORRY! I WAS JUST THINKING AND I MUST HAVE JUST DAZED OUT AND-" My flustered apology was interrupted by Gus... Again.

"Don't worry about it." He comforted. In a quieter voice he added "I didn't mind."

I looked up in surprise. I was blushing and he was too. Probably because I saw staring at him and it made him uncomfortable. He probably only said it was fine because he didn't want it to be awkward.

----Hunter POV----

I walk into my first class, plants. I'm in all the tracks so I have different classes at different times of the day. Willow calls me over to where she is sitting alone at a table. I blush a little as I walk over. Willow's my best friend. We've been friends since I was sent on a mission at hexside as the golden guard... But that's in the past, now! I'm here focus on my future.

I sit down next to Willow who smiles at me. She starts telling me about all her ideas for the flyer durby team. I've been playing flyer derby with her and the rest of the team since I started going to school here. It's really fun, but I mostly just play to spend time with Willow.

We talk a bit before class and pass notes across the table during class and then we part to go to our next classes. I have construction with Luz and Matt. As I'm walking to construction, I run into Luz.

"Hi Hunter! What class did you have this morning? I had potions and my arms are so sore." Luz asks.

"I had plants." I said.

Luz smiled deviously "With Willow~?" Luz asked and they started giggling.

"Yeah and?" I asked "What's so funny about that?" I was annoyed.

"Oh it's nothing, just that you~ have a big crush on Willow~." She teased, dragging out the words 'you' and 'Willlow'.

"I DO NOT!" I tried to defend myself but I was turning as red as Amity when she was mad and it was not helping my case.

"You totally do~! And I bet she likes you back!" Luz exclaimed.

"You really think so?" I had never thought that she might like me back. I had never loved someone before so no one had ever liked me back.

"I really do!" Luz smiled as we walked into class and sat down at a table for three with Matt.


I was going to write till they get to lunch but this is already really long so that update will be for next week.

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