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----Matt POV----

Willow walks up to Hunter and my table at lunch.  "Hey cutie! You're little hair noodle is so adorable." Willow says as she sits down next to Hunter. I could tell that she was teasing and trying to flirt with Hunter. Hunter looks up at Willow very red and confused.

"Are you talking to me?" Hunter asks very flustered and shocked.

"No, I was totally talking to Matt." Willow says while looking sarcastically at Hunter.

"I was obliviously talking to you! Matt's weird." I was about to deliver the best comeback ever when a very cute voice interrupted me.

"Matty's not weird! Apologize now!" He said angry yet jokingly.

"SIMP." Amity yells as she walks up to the table with Luz who had apparently heard the whole conversation. I looked around confused and saw Hunter looking equally confused and Gus very red.

"What's a simp?" I ask. Gus quickly answers that's it's a human term and how it's totally not important that I now what it means. I shrug and continue eating my lunch. I look around and see Gus looking down at his plate blushing, Willow flirting with Hunter who was very confused and yet a flustered mess and Luz and Amity whispering together about something inaudible.

----Willow POV----

I continue to try to flirt with Hunter who I assume was trying to flirt back but was failing but it was cute anyway. The bell rings to announce the end of lunch and as I'm walking to class, Luz walks up to me and asks if I want to come over for a sleepover at the owl house tonight. I was about to say that I couldn't because we would have school in the morning when an announcement comes over the intercom interrupts me.

"School is cancelled for the rest of the day and tomorrow as well because some cursed the staff... Again.". I tell Luz that since school is cancelled tomorrow I can come over.

----Matt POV----

After the announcement Amity walks over to me smiling and asks if I can come over for a sleepover today since school is cancelled. I agree because I have nothing better to do. Me and Amity have been hanging out a lot since we got stuck under the school and fought off Boscha 2 years ago.

----Gus POV----

I'm walking to my locker when Hunter asks me if I want to come over to his house after school for a sleepover because he got the new cosmic frontier movie and everyone else is planning sleepovers. I say yes. I'm really excited to watch the new movie because it only came out a week ago. I also want to talk to Hunter about how Luz and Amity have been acting weird.

Next update either this week or next Sunday. The next part will be their sleepovers.

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