The 'totally casual friendly hangout' part 1

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----Vee POV----

I sit down in a booth in the milkshake shop in-between Masha and Luz, who is sitting beside beside Amity. Hunter, Matt and Gus all show up at about the same time and sit down at the booth. Matt across from Amity, Gus across from Luz, And Hunter across from me. Willow shows up about a minute later. I notice Hunter look up, smile and start blushing as she walks in. She sits down beside Hunter and smiles at him which makes him go all red.

"Hey, Willow! How are you!" Luz calls from across the table, greeting her.

"Hi, Luz. I'm good, how are you ☺️." Willow says.

"I'm good." Luz says. She turns addressing everybody. "So since most of you don't have human realm currency, all pay for our drinks."

"Awwww thanks Luz!" Gus says.

"It's no problem!" She says, smiling. She checks her bag then looks at the menu before counting on her fingers. She looks up, apologetically. "So everyone i have some bad news. I don't have enough money to buy everyone thier own drink but I do have enough to buy four drinks, so everyone could just share with whoever is sitting beside them."

Hunter, Willow, Gus and Matt all look to their side and start blushing and looking away. I smirk at Masha and them look at Luz. This could not have gone better.

A waiter comes to take our booth to take our order and Luz orders 3 milkshakes and one lactose free milkshake for herself and Amity (Luz is lactose intolerant). The waiter nods and walks away to get our milkshakes.

----Hunter POV----

I look at Willow. I was not expecting the day to ensue like this. "Ehhhhh... Willow..." I start. "Are you... Okay with sharing a milkshake? With, a, me?" I ask. She starts blushing and looks down. She looks up again.

"Uhhhhhh yeah... Of course! Like, it shouldn't be wired. Right?" She asks.

Uhh... Yeah. Like, friends do that all the time, right?" I say.

We both turn away looking anywhere but at each other.

----Matt POV----

I'm waiting for our drinks to arrive at the booth next to Gus. I shift how I'm sitting and accidently hit Gus's leg. He looks at me and smirks. He bumps his knee against mine. I bump back. We start going back and forth bumping our knee against each other's. Luz looks under the table and smiles. She turns to Amity and whispers in her ear. They both start giggling and me and I my face gets really hot. Luz turns to Vee and Masha and whispers to them.

I look at Gus he looked like to be blushing a bit but not embarrassed. He bumps my knee one last time before grabbing my hand. He casually turns to Hunter and starts talking to him about cosmic frontier like we weren't holding hands at that moment. I look down and try to breath in and out slowly so i didn't pass out.

Gus looks at me and chuckles a bit. I try to smile at him even though I'm practically hyperventilating.

----Willow POV----

Our drinks arrived and we all take one and give the lactose free one to Luz and Amity. We all got a straw and put it in our milkshake. We all have straws of our favorite color. I bush at Hunter before taking a sip.

4 Milkshakes ( Lumity, Gustholomule, Huntlow, and Veesha)Where stories live. Discover now