The headache i mentioned earlier is not excatly slight anymore. I'm sat outside on the bench that looks over to the sports fields. My so called friends haven't arrived yet and i can't find it in me to eat anything. Side effects of whiskey, i reckon -- or maybe just my appetite being a bitch.

I sip my water. Might as well hydrate myself. With a healthy substance, i mean.

"Binnie!", My head turns swiftly over to Charlie. She's holding about five books in her hands and making her way to me. Her shoulder length red hair sways slightly in the wind.

"Have you seen Todd?", She asks seemingly frustrated. "He told me to meet him at lunch and i have, like ten minutes before my extra credit classes but I can't find him anywhere." She checks the time on her phone.

I shake my head. "You of all people should know how Toddy is allergic to punctuality.", I chuckle.

"Shit. Well 'en, if you see him tell him i couldn't find him."

She hitches her books up and walks over to a group of science students. Thank god I'm into the arts. Science seems like hell from my perspective.

I switch on my phone and text Todd.

Where are ya? Your girlfriend just stopped by, says she couldn't find you.

He responds to my text with a call.

"I'll be there soon. Apparently my calculations were wrong and i had to do it all again so i was held up.", He cuts the call.

He arrives at my bench five minutes later his eyes dashing from side to side.

"I thought you said Charlie was here?", He asks me.

"I said she stopped by, check your texts.", I point to his phone. "How can you be so good with numbers yet so horrible with words."

He glares at me for my not so sensitive response. Pay back for hanging up on me. "Now i have to have lunch with Madame Grumpy." He gestures to me. "How's that for some words?"

I close my water bottle. "Terrible."

I realise Todd wasn't listening anymore when i see home staring at his phone. His gaze shoots up.

"Did you hear about the substitute you guys got for English Lit?"

"I have, actually. It's the worst news I've heard since you and Charlie told me you were dating."

"Should i be offended? Because I am.", He places his hand over his heart. "Plus why do you think it's so bad?"

I slap a hand over my face and let it fall to the table. "I actually have to write the work now. And believe it or not that's something I'm dreading."

"Sucks to be you."

"Very funny, Todd. Shouldn't you be having lunch?", I ask him.

"I'm cutting back on calories. Unlike you, i prioritize my health."

Lunch ends and I can already feel my insides twisting. New teacher means more work. My nerves lead me to the ladies room and i spend way more time than necessary in there. I actually arrive to my English lesson late.

I walk in with my head held low. The room is completely quiet. It surprises me because Mr Neville could never get the class to quiet down.

I raise my head slightly and look around. Every boy is focused solely on their books and it's beyond me how this new teacher managed to get these morons to shut up.

The odd silence in the room is beyond odd. On a normal day they'd be sitting on desks and flirting the period away.

The girls on the other hand look like voodoo dolls, with their eyes rolling from their pages to the front of the class.

My eyes skim over the whole classroom and i spot the man who's been the talk of the school. He stands facing the board, his back to the students. His dark hair is slicked back and his form is rather stiff.

I let my eyes fall to the floor and continue walking, as quietly as possible, to my desk. Nine meters. Seven meters. Five meters away from my desk i make an abrupt halt.

"You're late, Miss.....?", The substitute asks turning around and looking me straight in the eyes.

"I'm sorry.", I blurt out. "Addams. Binnie Addams."

"I assume you know where to sit, we don't have all day."

I move quickly but cautiously to my desk and fall into my chair, letting out a breath i hadn't realized i was holding.

"Good day, class. I'm Mr White and I will be filling in for Mr Neville for the next few weeks.", He introduces himself, writing his name on the blackboard in a rather clear cursive.

"I'd like to assess your progress over the past few months and see where we can start from."

One girl raises her hand and tucks a lock of brunette hair behind her ear. Mr White gestures her to speak.

"I'm in the school community committee and if you need anything I'd be more than happy to help.", She says smiling too wide, even for as big an optimist as me(note the sarcasm).

"I don't think that would be necessary.", He asserts. Mr White clears his throat. "I'm unaware of how far in the curriculum you've gone, but I'd like to give a small exercise."

He pulls out a pile of papers and drops them onto Mr Neville's desk. "You're each going to read a paragraph from these sheets and give me a short and simple summary."

The papers are passed along the rows of students. I receive mine despite the voice in my head telling me i won't even bother to read it. Funny, how true that is.

"Be ready with your summaries for our next lesson. You may leave early." Mr White picks up his papers and bag and waits for everyone to leave before following soon after.

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